Shona Origin Names

This is a list of names in which the origin is Shona. Shona is a language spoken by the Shona people of Zimbabwe.
Chipo f Shona
Means "gift" in Shona.
Dakarai m Shona
Means "rejoice" in Shona.
Danai 2 f Shona
From Shona dana meaning "call, summon".
Fadzai f Shona
From Shona fadza meaning "please, make happy".
Farai m & f Shona
From Shona fara meaning "rejoice, be happy".
Fungai m & f Shona
From Shona funga meaning "think, judge".
Itai 2 m & f Shona
From Shona ita meaning "do, act, perform".
Manyara f Shona
Means "you have been humbled" in Shona.
Mudiwa f & m Shona
Means "beloved, darling" in Shona.
Munashe m & f Shona
Means "with God" in Shona, derived from ishe meaning "lord, God".
Munyaradzi m Shona
Means "comforter, consoler" in Shona, from nyaradza "to make quiet, to console".
Netsai f Shona
From Shona netsa meaning "trouble, annoy, bother".
Nyarai f Shona
From Shona nyara meaning "be shy, be quiet, be humble".
Rudo m & f Shona
Means "love" in Shona.
Rufaro f Shona
Means "happiness" in Shona.
Rumbidzai f Shona
From Shona rumbidza meaning "praise".
Rutendo f & m Shona
Means "thankfulness" in Shona.
Sekai f Shona
From Shona seka meaning "laugh".
Simba 1 m Shona
Means "power, strength" in Shona.
Tafadzwa m & f Shona
Means "we are pleased" in Shona, from fadza meaning "please, make happy".
Tambudzai f Shona
From Shona tambudza meaning "make trouble, frustrate".
Tapiwa f Shona
Means "given" in Shona.
Tariro f Shona
Means "hope" in Shona.
Tatenda m & f Shona
Means "thank you" in Shona, from tenda meaning "thank".
Taurai m & f Shona
From Shona taura meaning "speak".
Tendai m & f Shona
From Shona tenda meaning "be thankful, thank".
Tichaona m Shona
Means "we will see" from Shona ticha "we will" and ona "see".
Tinashe m & f Shona
Means "we are with God", from Shona ti "we", na "with" and ishe "lord, God".
Zendaya f African American (Modern)
Borne by the American actress Zendaya Coleman (1996-), known simply as Zendaya. Her name was apparently inspired by the Shona name Tendai.