Names Categorized "Azumanga Daioh characters"

This is a list of names in which the categories include Azumanga Daioh characters.
Ayumu m Japanese
From Japanese (ayu) meaning "walk, step" and (mu) meaning "dream, vision". It can also be written with alone, or with other combinations of kanji.
Chihiro f & m Japanese
From Japanese (chi) meaning "thousand" and (hiro) meaning "fathom, armspan", as well as other kanji combinations. This is the name of the main character in the Japanese animated movie Spirited Away (2001).
Chiyo f Japanese
From Japanese (chi) meaning "thousand" combined with (yo) meaning "generation" or (yo) meaning "world". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kaori f Japanese
From Japanese (kaori) meaning "fragrance". It can also come from an alternate reading of (ka) combined with (ori) meaning "weaving". Other kanji combinations are possible. It is often written using the hiragana writing system.