Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword belt.
See Also
belt meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Cinxia f Roman Mythology
Derived from Latin cinctus meaning "girdle, belt, zone (vestment)", itself from the verb cingo "to gird, to encompass". This was the name of a Roman goddess of conception, possibly an epithet of Juno as tutelary goddess of marriage... [more]
Gyrðr m Old Norse
Old Norse short form of Guðrøðr (see Guðifriðr). Sometimes it has been associated with the Old Norse verb gyrða, "to gird (with a belt)."
Mintaka f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic manṭaqa, meaning "the belt". This is a star in the constellation Orion.
Obi-Wan m Popular Culture
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a character in the 'Star Wars' universe, created by George Lucas. The meaning of the name is not known, but as Lucas was very much influenced by Japanese samurai movies, it is possible that the name is a combination of Japanese 帯 (obi) "belt" (used to tie a kimono) and wan that sounds like the Japanese honorific suffix san.
Okinagatarashi f Japanese Mythology
In Japanese mythology, this was Empress Jingu's name before she took the throne. Her name is derived from the honorific o, 息 meaning "breath", 長 meaning "long, long time, everlasting, increasing", 帯, referring to the obi on a kimono, or "belt, band", 比 meaning "equal, match, comparison" and 売 meaning "to sell".
Oyto'qa f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and to'qa meaning "clasp or belt buckle set with jewels".
Peixuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 沛 (pèi) meaning "abundant, full" or 佩 (pèi) meaning "belt ornament, pendant" and 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful jade, star" or 炫 (xuàn) meaning "shine, glitter".
Shinkichi m Japanese
From Japanese 伸 (shin) meaning "expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase", 信 (shin) meaning "faith, truth, fidelity, trust", 心 (shin) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 慎 (shin) meaning "humility, be careful, discreet, prudent", 新 (shin) meaning "fresh, new", 晋 (shin) meaning "advance", 森 (shin) meaning "forest, woods", 申 (shin) meaning "have the honor to, sign of the monkey", 真 (shin) meaning "true, reality", 秦 (shin) meaning "Manchu dynasty", 紳 (shin) meaning "sire, good belt, gentleman", 親 (shin) meaning "parent, intimacy, relative, familiarity, dealer (cards)", 進 (shin) meaning "advance, proceed, progress, promote", 槙 (shin) meaning "twig, ornamental evergreen", 愼 (shin) meaning "care, chastity", 瀋 (shin) meaning "juice, broth" or 眞 (shin) meaning "truth, reality" combined with 吉 (kichi) meaning "good luck"... [more]
Taito m Japanese
From Japanese 帯 (tai) meaning "band, belt", 戴 (tai) meaning "to respect; to esteem", 泰 (tai) meaning "peaceful, calm", 大 (tai) meaning "big, great" or 民 (tai) meaning "nation, peoples" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 登 (to) meaning "to go up; to climb; to mount; to rise", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly" or 愛 (to) meaning "love, affection"... [more]