Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword coyote.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Apisi m Siksika
Means "coyote, wolf" in Blackfoot.
Coyotito m Literature
Means "little coyote" in Spanish. Most notably used in the novel 'The Pearl' (1947) by John Steinbeck.
Coyotl m Nahuatl
Means "coyote" in Nahuatl, sometimes used to mean "foreigner".
Huēhuecoyōtl m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "old coyote", from Nahuatl huehue "elderly person, old man; very old" and coyotl "coyote". This was an Aztec god of mischief, music, dance, and sexuality.
Kaliska m & f Miwok
Means "coyote chasing deer" in Miwok.
Katwa m & f Miwok
One of the many words meaning "coyote" in Miwok; other words meaning "coyote" incudes aseli, situ, wayu,... [more]
Kėhemé'éhne m Cheyenne
Means "Coyote Appearing" in Cheyenne.
Kȯhóméhá'e f Cheyenne
Means "Coyote Woman" in Cheyenne.
Macawi f Sioux
Means "coyote" in Lakota.
Nezahualcoyotl m Nahuatl
From Nahuatl nezahualli "fasting", probably referring to a paper collar worn to show the wearer should not be offered food, and coyotl "coyote".
Ó'kȯhóme m Cheyenne
Means "Coyote" in Cheyenne.
Ó'kȯhoméeho'ēsta m Cheyenne
Means "Coyote Fire" in Cheyenne.
O'kȯhoméhá'e f Cheyenne
Means "Coyote Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ó'kȯhoméhéso m Cheyenne
Means "Little Coyote, Coyote Pup" in Cheyenne.
Ó'kȯhómȯhnéé'ėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Coyote Standing" in Cheyenne.
Ó'kȯhómȯhnéstooestse m Cheyenne
Means "Howling Coyote" in Cheyenne.
Ó'kȯhómȯhno'kaestse m Cheyenne
Means "Lone Coyote" in Cheyenne.
Ó'kȯhómȯhtameōhtsėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Walking Coyote" in Cheyenne.
Ó'kȯhómȯhtáxeóó'ėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Coyote Stands on Top" in Cheyenne.
Ó'kȯhómȯhvó'komaestse m Cheyenne
Means "White Coyote" in Cheyenne.
Ó'kôhómôxháahketa m Cheyenne
Means "little coyote" in Cheyenne.... [more]