Submitted Name Revision History

loadingDate    Editor    Change Summary
6/23/2020, 3:43 PM m4yb3_daijirou Why did I put phonemic marks on IPA? Ugh...
6/23/2020, 3:10 PM m4yb3_daijirou
3/8/2020, 10:59 PM Mike C
7/15/2015, 9:54 AM m4yb3_daijirou
3/21/2015, 9:05 AM m4yb3_daijirou
2/20/2015, 6:08 AM m4yb3_daijirou
2/18/2015, 1:08 PM m4yb3_daijirou

Name Reon
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Scripts 獅, 獅王, 玲音, 伶音, 澪音, 蓮恩, 廉穏, 怜遠, 怜央, 令桜, 礼央夢, etc.(Japanese Kanji) れおん(Japanese Hiragana) レオン(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. [ɾé̞.õ̞̀ɴ̀]
Theme lion
Edit Status Status3. usages AND description are verified

Meaning & History

Borrowed from LEON, as seen in the occasional usage of 獅 (or 獅子), on its own or as a first element kanji.
More often though, a re(i/n) kanji, like 玲 meaning "tinkling," 怜/伶 meaning "clever, smart," 澪 meaning "," 蓮 meaning "lotus," 廉 meaning "pure, upright; cheap," 令 meaning "command, order; good, fine" or 礼 meaning "thanks, gratitude; gift," combines with a kanji that can be read as on, such as 音 meaning "sound," 恩 meaning "favour, obligation," 穏 meaning "moderation," 遠 meaning "distant," 央 meaning "middle, centre," 桜 meaning "cherry (tree, blossom)" or 王 meaning "king, ruler." Alternatively, for the second element, an o kanji can be combined with a mu kanji, e.g. 夢 meaning "dream."

One female bearer of this name is glamour model, actress and tarento Reon Kadena (かでな れおん) (1986-).
Added 2/18/2015 by m4yb3_daijirou