Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. /ɡli.sɛʁ/  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

As a masculine name, this name is the French form of Glykerios via its latinized form Glycerius.

As a feminine name, this name is the French form of Glykera via its latinized form Glycera.

Some sources state that Glycère as a feminine name is actually the French form of the related name Glykeria (which is Glyceria in Latin), but that is incorrect: the proper French form of that name is Glycérie.
Added 2/11/2008 by nessime
Edited 2/13/2020 by Mike C, Lucille and SeaHorse15