SEEG-freed in English.
I thought this was feminine when I first saw it. It's a good name.
This name sounds strong and heroic; I love its meaning. I generally love names containing the element "frid", because it brings me a sensation of relaxation and tranquility.
It makes me think of Sigmund Freud for some reason. Also: "Siegfried and Roy" the Las Vegas animal-trainer / entertainer / magicians popular in the early 2000's.
Strong masculine name.
Siegfried Knemeyer was an aeronautical engineer and aviator for the Luftwaffe in WWII. Highly favored by Hermann Göring for his ideas that were pivotal to Germany's early success in the air war (Göring often called him "my boy"), and was promoted to Oberst (Colonel). Worked for the Americans as part of Operation Paperclip.
Siegfried is also a variant of Sigfrid, the monk-bishop of Sweden who is a canonized Saint in both the Catholic and Orthodox Church. His hagiography is incredibly intriguing. He died in 1045 AD, 9 years before the tragic "Great Schism".I also think Siegfried is a beautiful, masculine, noble, almost lofty name.
Siegfried the Dragonslayer is the Hero of the ancient German epic saga, the Nibelungenlied.Also of Wagner's operas, based off of the German legends.
Siegfried Wentz is a former German track and field athlete. In the 1980s and until 1990 he represented West Germany and belonged to the world elite in the decathlon. His most notable result was winning the bronze medal at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California. At that event he scored 8412 points, his results for each of the events were 10.99s - 7.11m - 15.87m - 2.09m - 47.78m - 14.35s - 46.60m - 4.50m - 67.68m - 4:33.96 min.
Siegfried Schneider is a German former volleyball player who competed for East Germany in the 1968 Summer Olympics and in the 1972 Summer Olympics.
Siegfried Jerusalem is a German operatic tenor. Closely identified with the heldentenor roles of Wagner, he has performed Siegfried, Siegmund, Lohengrin, Parsifal, and Tristan to wide acclaim. Since the 1990s, he has focused on lieder, particularly those by Strauss, Mahler and Schumann.
It is Sigfrido in Spanish. [noted -ed]
Siegfried Bing (February 26, 1838 – September 6, 1905), often referenced erroneously as "Samuel Bing", was a German art dealer who lived in Paris.
Siegfried Schtauffen is a character in the Soul Calibur video games.
Seigfried was a leader of KAOS on the television show Get Smart.
This was the name of the prince in Swan Lake who falls in love with Odette.
The WWI poet Siegfried Sassoon bore the same name. He was English, but his mother fancied it and decided to use it anyway :)
Listen to the German pronunciation of Siegfried here:
Siegfried Fischbacher is half of the "Siegfried and Roy" magic duo known for their work with tigers.
This is the name of James Herriot's employer in his books about his life as a country vet (Most notably, All Creatures Great and Small). When questioned about its origins, Siegfried explained that his father was a great fan of Wagner.
The name Siegfried is not based on the character Sigurd, rather both names are variants of the same character from old Germanic legend that split during the migrational period around the 5th century from ancient Germany and became heroes of two seperate societies of the same origins in the heart of Europe/Germany (or by roman terms Germania). Therefore both characters are of ancient German decent and were not recorded until after they split in the 1200's much like the homeric poems such as the Iliad and Odyssey were passed down until an unknown finally recorded them. It is for this reason that there is a large bias in both versions of Siegfried/Sigurds legend the Niebelungenlied and the Volsungasaga such as the Niebelungenlied's tendancy toward medieval society even though the myth is ancient. Interestingly enough also there is speculation on the relations between Arminius and Siegfried/Sigurd in that he may be the real life inspiration to the legend or at the very least a strong contributor to the myth by rising to the occasion as a hero based on the stong ties and evidence between them.

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