Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 助, 佑, 祐, 佐, 輔, 丞, 匡, 侑, 資, 右, 翼, 亮, 佑来, 翼空, 侑久, 祐玖, etc.(Japanese Kanji) たすく(Japanese Hiragana) タスク(Japanese Katakana)

Meaning & History

From the verb 助く (tasuku) meaning "to help, save, rescue," from earlier suku with prefixation of 手 (ta), the combining form of te meaning "hand." It can also be combined with a ku kanji, like 来 meaning "arrival," 空 meaning "sky," 久 meaning "long time" or 玖, referring to the numeral nine in legal documents.

Bearers of this name include physician-scientist and immunologist Tasuku Honjo (本庶 佑) (1942-), the 2018 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine, and actor Tasuku Emoto (柄本 佑) (1986-).
Added 2/23/2015 by Aurelien
Edited 5/11/2020 by m4yb3_daijirou and Evil