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[Facts] Ginetta
I have been told that this name could be spanish, but a met a woman with the same spelling who said that it was Italian and meant "leader". Its feminine. What can you find out?
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It's a longer form of Gina I think.
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You have a make of nice British sports cars named after you (as you may already know). Tru www.ginettacars,com or type "ginetta" into Google.(I don't actually know the derivation or meaning of the name, tho. Maybe someone else here will help.)-da.
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Thanks, david, I did know that. Its a kitset job, but looks hot, from the picture I've received. It looks better than I do.
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LOL! ..."Hot" is in the eye of the beholder, Miz G. When you get to be an old fart like me, the world is FILLED with younger hotties. Unfortunately, I can't move fast enough anymore to capitalize on it.... ; )- da.
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Typo...That site's
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