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[Opinions] Eva!!!!!!!!!
Hello to everyone...I am new here, and I would like to start out by saying:
My adorable one-year-old daughter's name is Eva, after my late, beautiful, feminine, strong, elegant and awesome great-grandmother...
I keep on hearing debates...people actually have the nerve to tell me that I either spell or pronounce her name wrong...and to that I say that names are uniqe and there is no right or wrong way to pronounce a bestow upon a child the best name possible for them, and it is theirs, uniquely, wonderfully thiers, whehter the spelling or pronunciation is different than average or not...It is short for Evalyn, and I think very lovely and the best is that it is both completely soft and beautiful and at the same time strong...We pronounce it with a short "E" as in, just chop off the R in Ever...and there is a link to a sight that is supposed to let you hear the pronunciation oif english words...and here is how my family and I say "eva!" your thoughts???
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My lord...leave the poor little punctuations alone! Eva is a lovely name, said EH-vah or EE-vah. Both are legit but if you live in an English-speaking country you'll get only EE-vah.Evalyn is misspelled, though.
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Evalyn is a family spelling...
My great-great Grandma spent a lot of her childhood in the Phillipines and had friends there with the spelling "Evalyn" and took that and put a spin on the family tradition of the Evelyn/Eva name and changed the spelling on my great grandma...
So its not a traditional spelling, but it isn't misspelled.
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Eh-va rather than Ee-va would be the ordinary pronounciation of the name in most latin countries, so I'm fine with it, because it is legit in itself. However, I don't think you can randomly change the pronounciation and spelling of any name, it can create confusion and sound ignorant. This is a opinion board, so you can't expect everyone to share your taste, which is subjective...
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I don't expect everyone to share my taste...
But you can randomly change a pronounciation, because, well, I did.
And I don't think I sound ignorant, because, you have to understand, I grew up with this name in my family since birth, and I have heard it used a lot. And I anticipated having to correct people, but if my daughter gets tired of that when she is older, there are lots of variations of Evalyn she can go by. Or, I gave her a more traditional middle name (Victoria) in case her taste when she is old enough to decide what to go by, she can go by whatever she wants. I think a name is uniquely yours and you can go by whatever you want (to a certain point, because when she's 4 she would probably like to go by Princess Unicorn or something)
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I don't expect everyone to share my taste...
But you can randomly change a pronounciation, because, well, I did.
And I don't think I sound ignorant, because, you have to understand, I grew up with this name in my family since birth, and I have heard it used a lot. And I anticipated having to correct people, but if my daughter gets tired of that when she is older, there are lots of variations of Evalyn she can go by. Or, I gave her a more traditional middle name (Victoria) in case her taste when she is old enough to decide what to go by, she can go by whatever she wants. I think a name is uniquely yours and you can go by whatever you want (to a certain point, because when she's 4 she would probably like to go by Princess Unicorn or something)
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My name is Eva also and it is pronounced as such. When people call me Ava, I think to myself "Does this person know how to spell?" Eva is Eva and Ava is Ava. I was also named after my grandmother. I love the name. I hear it more often now, but it is still a rare name (which I love).
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But, the only thing is, there is nothing in the name "Eva" to suggest that the E is pronounced long...
AY-va is how a spanish-speaking person would pronounce it naturally, and EEva is how an English person would normally pronounce it...but Ehva is acceptable, too...I peroannly think all pronounciations of it are pretty
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I think you believe people are ignorant for pronouncing your name incorrectly, however Eva pronounced Ava is a legitimate pronunciation and should be seen as such, not ignorance. The Ava pronunciation of Eva is often seen in European countries (I believe it is Dutch). Eva can also be pronounced Ee-vuh, Ee-fuh, and Ev-uh.

This message was edited 6/28/2007, 8:39 AM

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I like Eva.Welcome!
Most people in my city pronouce it EE-vah, but EV-ah is also nice. I'm pretty sure there used to (or still is) a poster here who pronounces "Eva" like Ava. They're all lovely.
And congrats on the little tyke's first birthday, what fun. It's nice to hear mom's excited about their kiddos!
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Thanks! For the nice post :)
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"no right or wrong way to pronounce names"Okay, if that's true, how about instead of pronouncing your name Bran-Dee, I start saying it Brain-Dye?You can't just take a name that is well-known by one pronunciation, and insist it be pronounced another, very uncommon way. The fact that it has precedence in your family doesn't enter into it. If your pronunciation goes against the established pattern and many years of usage, you are going to experience problems.
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Chill with the exclamation marks. You only need one, and we don't enjoy overuse of punctuation in this community.Eva is legitimate with either pronunciation but EV-uh is foreign to my ear. EE-va is the pronunciation I prefer.
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I say ee-vuh too. I knew a girl named Evelyn (she was a baby) and she got called Ev or Evvie (ehv-ee) for short and I also knew another Evelyn (18 at the time) she went by Eve (eev) and her full name of Evelyn was actually pronounced as eev-lin, but yeah I prefer ee-vuh.

This message was edited 6/27/2007, 10:47 PM

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Wow, really?
A whole line to tell me to tone down the punctuation...I think I need a group of people who don't have their panties wedged quite so far up their asses...sorry, it has only been a year since the birth of my daughter, I just threw her party today and her lovely lovliness is still on my mind fully...Eva!!!!!! came to my mind because I got to watch her cram a peice of cake into her face and fall asleep in that silly pose with her fanny in the air and her baby doll uner one arm...I guess I am not done with the giddiness of being in love with that tiny little thing...what a pity you had to rain on my parade...well enjoy your judgement of others and their punctuation...what a silly-ass thing
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I hear you brandyleeee on the punctuation and such. We're all here just to throw back some thoughts, not to correct everyone's spelling and grammer. I got reamed out yesterday for using caps. Meanwhile, its faster and really "Who Cares?"
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Although typing in all caps may be easier for you, it's difficult for some people to read, so it's rather inconsiderate not to take a little extra effort to type properly.This is an etymology site, so people here tend to care about language. That's not going to change anytime soon.
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totally! thanks, love
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You didn't get "reemed out." There's a difference between one sentence on an issue such as what Chrisell asked here and what I asked of you and a tirade. I don't see why people can't take constructive criticism without getting all defensive and annoying. Seriously, if you guys don't like our standards, do us all a favor and just go elsewhere.

This message was edited 6/28/2007, 8:03 AM

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punctuation, etc...I don't think we get defensive so much as just not exact;y understanding the rule...I mean, point taken, and if its that big of a deal, I will definitely be aware of my grammar, punctuatuin, caps, etc...
Its just that I can't understand why it bothers people to read 3 or 4 exclamation points to denote lots of excitement versus one to show *some* excitement...I will abide by your rules, it just (sorry) seems a little petty to me to mind if typing is in caps or not, or if there is "ovreuse" of punctuation...I can't exactly see why that criticism is seems a little silly to me, and for people who do not use the internet very much, it is both somethign that we are basically unaware of and also something that seems like a senseless rule. SO...On behalf of all of us who have used abusive or excessive punctuation, improper grammar, the word "ass," blatant and/or accidental misspelling, and all other typing offenses:
We are truly sorry. And from here on we will be careful not to make typos or Hit the 1 key ande shift at the same time whilst holding them down in order to create a string of redundant exclamation points...
Sincerely and very truly yours,
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for somebody all giddy with love...... You certainly have quite the attitude going. Obviously, you are new here, you said as much in your original post, but if you'd read the rules (which there's a link to them posted right at the top of the page and which all newbies are urged to read) you'd know that it is highly frowned-upon to overuse punctuation marks the way you did. I don't really give a damn myself, I think the whole idea of "punctuation pets" and "abused punctuation marks" is kind of silly and childish, but that's the rule around here, and if you don't like it, quit posting. Either that or just suck it up like a big girl and follow the rule.
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someone has a stick up their bum
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ROFL . . .Again, chill, honey. You're a newcomer to this community, and if you want to join in, you have to abide by the rules and customs. A friendly note asking you to tone down the punctuation is no reason to get insulting.If you don't enjoy our community, you know where the "home" button is.

This message was edited 6/27/2007, 9:47 PM

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I don't see anything wrong with pronouncing Eva as EH-va. It has historical precidence. However, though in theory, "there is no right or wrong way to pronounce a name", there are histories of spellings and pronunciation, just as there are of words, so that there is a common understanding. Things work better when people can spell/pronounce your name without a long explanation to everyone. And when others start misspelling a name, it affects everyone with that name, not just that one person. I have that problem. My name is correctly spelled and pronounced, but when it became popular, it might have been nice because others might have become familiar with it, but instead it just became more annoying because everyone spells it differently. The parents may think the name is unique or looks prettier with a different spelling, but it only creates an annoying burden not only on the bearer of the name but on others with the name and all who try to spell it.

This message was edited 6/27/2007, 9:03 PM

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Well, I hope the "annoying burden" of my daughter's name will not effect her or god forbid anyone who has to be politely corrected (I think, "No, I'm sorry to correct you, but its "EH-vah" should need for your "long explanation" ...oh, by the way, there is a site that shows the "correct" pronunciation of my daughter's name and other english names...just click the link and then press play press play
My name is Brandy, and it is spelled the way it is in the dictionary...however, people absolutely grow into their names and it just suites them...and When I run across a Brandi or a Brandee, I never think their unique spelling is a burden or "wrong" If I told them that I believe they'd have the right ti tell me to cram it
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that's rude?
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One username only, please.
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alrighty...from here on out I am Braindye.
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No worries.
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Wow, so rude...And I didn't say anything against the name Eva, in fact I like it. Jeez.
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Well, I hope the "annoying burden" of my daughter's name will not effect her or god forbid anyone who has to be politely corrected (I think, "No, I'm sorry to correct you, but its "EH-vah" should need for your "long explanation" ...oh, by the way, there is a site that shows the "correct" pronunciation of my daughter's name and other english names...just click the link and then press play press play name is Brandy, and it is spelled the way it is in the dictionary...however, people absolutely grow into their names and it just suites them...and When I run across a Brandi or a Brandee, I never think their unique spelling is a burden or "wrong" If I told them that I believe they'd have the right ti tell me to cram it

This message was edited 6/27/2007, 9:23 PM

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Just because you have some website to back up your claim that the pronunciation of your daughter's name is correct does not mean that other pronunciations of the name are therefore incorrect. Especially considering that the website you mentioned is in English. There are many forms of pronunciation for the name Eva which is found in different languages. I posted some under 28 Days And Counting's post. You are welcome to go look at them, or even to go to the highlighted name Eva and check out all of the pronunciations for the name. If you continue to suggest that there is only one correct way to pronounce Eva or that everyone is ignorant from pronouncing your daughters specific name incorrectly then you need to educate yourself to come to the understanding that people have many ways to say the name and will not know the specific way you pronounce the name until you politely mention it.
You say that if you told someone that you thought their name was pronounced incorrectly or spelled incorrectly that they would "have the right ti [sic] tell me to cram it" which I agree to a certain extent. Aren't you doing the same thing by coming on this board and telling everyone that your daughter's name is pronounced a certain way and no one pronounces it correctly and that they are all wrong because you have a website to back yourself up? Seems a bit hypocritical to me. If we took your own advice and told you to "cram it" as you say then maybe that is what some people on this board have done. Don't get angry at people when this was your suggestion!
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I never claimed that there is only one proper pronounciation of "Eva"I was merely trying to make a point: The point is that there is NO right or wrong way to pronounce a proper name...They are individual and unique...I was trying to suggest that just because I didn't go with the more common way of pronouncing her name with a long "E" doesn't mean that the pronounciation is wrong...And that if someone tells you that your unique, individual name is pronounced wrong, then, yeah, by all means...tell them to cram it.
I never claimed there is only one correct pronounciation...;lin fact, that was the whole point behind my original post...I am not getting angry at anyone who suggests that there are several pronounciations...I got a little irritated when someone told me that "I can't" (they're words) take a traditional name and pronounce it differently than what is common, and that I am creating some huge burden on both the bearer of the name and anyone who has to try to pronounce it...I don't get upset at all when people read her name and call her EEva because that is the more commonly known way to say it...I politely tell them, "No, its Ehva." And then if they tell me (or her, for that matter) that it is wrong, THEY are wrong because, at least as I understand it, a name can be anything you want it to be...
And then I got annoyed mostly because someone went to great length to tell me how to type...and yes, if that is the rule, I will abide by it, I just think, personally, the rule is dumb. I think its dumb that you have to have insurance on your car to be able to drive legally, too, but its the rule, or law, so I reluctantly follow the rules on that one too.
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Insurance is goodYou wouldn't want some poor schmuck to hit your car and not have any insurance to pay for the damages. It goes both ways too so that both parties will receive monies based on who is at fault.
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