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[Facts] "DeLacey"
"DeLacey" is a family name on my mother's side. I noticed that there was not a meaning for this name. May I suggest one? "Sweet child." I got it from "Dulcie" and "Mary". I would greatly appreciate a response. Thank you. -S.L.J.
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That's pretty creative, Sarah -- I like it! :)I did, however, find your name in a couple of surname reference sourcebooks. Both seem to agree that the name means "one who came from Lassy (Lascius' estate), in Calvados".Neither sourcebook was able to give a meaning to the name "Lascius", though. I'm guessing that "Lascius" may be derived from the Latin word "lassus", meaning "weary, tired", or possibly even from the Latin word "lascivus", meaning (when applied in a good sense) "playful, sportive frolicsome."-- Nanaea
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