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[Facts] Re: Okay,people.
PriaposLovsMaybe what s/he needs is about a half hour in a relaxation and meditation class (either that or on of my "offerings", huh?) I feel that this person is way beyond a mere cup of chamomile tea (even a pot of it won't help).By the way, speaking of offerings, what is Havana Club?Phyllis
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I'm sure sou can concoct something for the occasion Gaia Euphoria (allow me to keep calling you thus) :)
Havana Club is a Florida version of a Hawaian Punch...err.. actually it is my favourite brand of Cuban rum. Probably what Bacadri tasted like in the pre-Castro days. Too bad you folks cant experience due to the US-Cuba embargo. Same goes for my beloved Ramon Allones Robustos.
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PriaposLovs1. I shall try, but I don't know if the Maiden, the Matron or the Crone can, or will, help someone who is so closed-minded.
2. Concerning calling me Gaia Euphoria, I guess you may (I kinda went into a Gaia euphoria at the ritual I attended (oops :})).
3. Concerning Havana Club, thanks for the info. I'm more into some of the other liquors such as Stolichnaya Vodka, Jamesons Irish whiskey, 18-year-old single malt scotch (I forget the exact brand, but I'll let you know what it is when I find it again :D).Phyllis
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