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[Games] Re: Fantasy congrats KUY (1/10)
H [46] Sir Ezra Saxo Creed
-XMistress [40] Miss Mei MurgatroydW [36] Lady Callista Amaris (Blackwood) Creed
-XParamour [33] Prince Lupus Zaire Cadwaller, Duke of GreenhillS [18] Master Ezra Prosper "Prosper" Creed
-GF [16] Lady Carolina Amaris DeRoy of FoxlandH's D [16] Miss Aditi Kalona Murgatroyd
H's D [15] Miss Dido Kaylani Murgatroyd
S [8] Master Edric Amador Creed
W's S [7] The Honorable Orlando Cassian CadwallerEzra and Callista were never material for an epic tale. Ezra Creed was a knight of the duke in a peaceful, boring duchy. Callista Blackwood was the daughter of the tanner. She was given to Ezra by her father when she was seventeen. They had a son the next year, Ezra "Prosper" Creed. Ezra left the knighthood with permission from his lord and decided to farm, still known as Sir Creed, however. He, Callista, and Prosper moved to an old tower on the Creed land, built by Ezra's ancestors. He hired a few farmhands and a young woman to help with house and woman's work. She was an immigrant named Mei. At age twenty, she had left her family in the country and come to Rayworth for a better life.Mei was interesting, and exciting prospect. Ezra was always distracted by new things. Although he nd Callista had only been married a year, he was giving more and more time to Mei. When Prosper was two, Mei had a daughter, Aditi. Mei had taken work at the tavern some nights to collect cash and Aditi looked so much like Mei it was a hard deal to tell who the father was. Ezra knew, though. She had his wanderlust in her little early-walking feet and sparky brown eyes. The next year, another daughter came, Dido. It was obvious she was half-Rayworthish. Callista was suspicious, but did not confront her husband. She was content with a son of her own and did not care about her husband's dealings as long as they didn't affect her agenda.That's right, Callista had an agenda. She was going to take over the family tannery. Her father was old and she had no brothers. She would not let Ezra take it and do who knows what. She loved Prosper as a son, but Callista was a realist. He was also a tool.Mei continued working in town, severing her and Ezra's relationship when Aditi was five and Dido four. The girls were sad to leave the Creeds, and Callista was sorry to see them go. She and Mei were good friends, and the girls were adorable. Prosper, though, always seeking attention from his ever-distracted father and endlessly busy mother outside of trouble was delighted. Sure, he liked Aditi, she was fun and adventurous like him, but Dido was a bit wierd. She preffered books over people and didn't speak well. But now he was the only kid, the only one in the spotlight, and he had inherited his mother's tactical creativity. It was time to brighten the spotlight.Even at seven, Prosper knew what he was supposed to do. His grandfather had shown him, his father had cows for milk, meat, and skins for a reason. His mother had instilled subtle knowledge into him. Prosper knew how to sneak, knew how to read the hints. He was very smart and could be very strong.With Mei out of the picture, Ezra was forced to focus on his legitimate family and the farm. He had to keep the books, and with no distractions, finished what usually filled his day. This only made him more loving to Callista and more productive with the farm. His hands now were calloused again, and his hired men respected him as he worked alongside them. Prosper learned hard work and complex figures from his father, and ended up idolizing him.When Prosper was ten, a big surprise came. Callista was twenty-eight, considered a little past the middle of her child-bearing prime. By this time, most women had five children. It was thought Callista was barren, and she was often shunned by the other women. Her friendship with Mei "the foreign bedder" made everything worse. But she became pregnant! It was an easy pregnancy, but working was hard. Aditi and Dido were hired to help her manage the house, providing a little more money for the struggling Mei. In the fall of that year, Callista gave birth to Edric, a healthy little boy. He was loud and funny, but also very smart. Instead of doing his reading, however, he would rather spook the chickens or run in the hayfield.Six months after Edric's birth, something extraordinary happened. Prince Lupus of Greenhill, heir apparent to the whole kingdom, wanted leather from Blackwood Tannery, made from the Creed's finest, largest red cattle. Lupus was direct, fair, and likable. He caught Callista's eye as a friend, and she also caught his. The two grew discreetly closer, right under Ezra's nose. He was too busy filling orders. Prosper barely knew of his mother's affair as he, too, was extra busy. Callista became noticeably pregnant after the Prince left, and she knew the baby wasn't Ezra's. It didn't kick hard enough.Orlando was born, looking like Callista and a certain rich visitor. Ezra wasn't mad, but he wanted Orlando gone. Lupus took the baby without so much as a word, a smile on his face. Callista ended the affair, and Lupus respects her wishes. He has a wife back home, and will not tell Orlando of his heritage except that he was rescued. Callista sees her son when Lupus comes through on business or pleasure to visit the Creeds. Edric and Orlando are very good friends.
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(still me)Now that Prosper is eighteen, it's time to search for a wife. He is unofficially courting Lady Carolina of Foxland, the duchy in which the Creeds live. Ezra pulled some strings to get them started, but everything about their relationship is uncertain due to Carolina's high suspicion of everyone and Prosper's schemes to get rich.
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