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[Opinions] Summer
Now that Summer is officially here (at least for some of us), what are your thoughts on it as a name? Have you've ever known anyone with this name?
I personally never have, although I once knew a Winter (maybe spelled 'Wynter', well before the name ever started to trend.) and a few Autumn's.

This message was edited 6/21/2023, 10:24 AM

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I love the name, I know a Summer. It’s such a sweet, cheery name.
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I've known my share of people named Summer - all girls or women in my instance. I don't see anything wrong with it, but I personally don't care for it.I have known several girls named Autumn. I also knew a Wynter, who would be my age (30), so long before that name became a trend. (I didn't realize until this moment that this name has trended upward in recent years, and I find that rather nauseating.) I've never known anyone named Winter, spelled like the season, though.I feel like I met someone named Spring once. I could be imagining that.
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I have met several Summers and Autumns, and I've known of people named Winter but haven't met one personally. I especially like Summer and Winter. Summer feels bright and optimistic while Winter feels sparkly and magical. Autumn sounds masculine to me but I've only ever seen it used on girls. I like the idea of naming a baby after that season but the word itself isn't that appealing. I think of it as a girls name because that's how it's always used, but if I'd never heard of Autumn as a name I'd assume it would only work on boys because of the sound.
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My daughter now in her late 30s had a friend called Summer but her given name was actually Megan. I still don’t know why she went by Summer. I rather liked it as a name.
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Don't really like it, there's a lovely little girl with that name at school
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I really like it. It’s my favorite season name.
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Never seen it used here; same with Winter, Wynter and Autumn. I would not expect Spring! Lente, however, the Afrikaans word for Spring, the season, not the coiled wire, is sometimes used as a girl name. I had a colleague once named Lentelie - LENtuhlee.
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I love summer and winter. I'm not hugely into autumn. I hate wynter... I'm not really particularly into Autumn but I don't mind it necessarily.
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I hate the spelling of Wynter as well. That trendy 'Y' spelling. Ugh... Plus, my mind keeps wanting to say the Y. I just don't understand the appeal at all.
Winter, although certainly not the greatest name, looks significantly better.

This message was edited 6/21/2023, 4:39 PM

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Winter is my favorite word name right now LOL
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I have. She was born in the mid 1980s, died last year, was a sweet nerdy librarian but tragically self-destructive. She was blonde...I do picture it as blonde. Stylewise it's kind of like Selena, Savannah, Holly, Shannon, Piper, Amber, Ember, Charity, Melody in my mind. But tbh it sounds more masculine to me (if I ignore common usage).I don't like it much in the abstract (I think of faded fabric, heat exhaustion, being washed out), but it's ok IRL; I don't dislike saying it. I have that kind of reaction a lot to virtue names, too (thought I didn't like them but then IRL thought they were pretty nice sounding).I've known an Autumn, and I have a cousin whose MN is Winter. I'd prefer one of those, if I had to be called a season name.

This message was edited 6/21/2023, 5:33 PM

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I have known two Summers. Both were from Texas and were born around 78-83. I used to hate the name, but after I met the first one I started to like it, and now I consider it somewhat of a favorite. I'd use it, if all options I preferred got vetoed.I've never met a Winter (it seems self-consciously gothy to me and I don't like it but Wynter is slightly less bad).
I've seen one kid called Autumn, at my kids' elementary - would have been born in the 00s. I don't like the sound of the word, it's like odd'm or ought'm in my accent, but it's a nice idea for a name.

This message was edited 6/22/2023, 8:59 AM

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