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[Facts] Noor
I'm curious as to how this is pronunced. Thanks.
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I have a friend name Noor). She pronounces it to rhyme with "poor", but when her mother speaks to her in Arabic, she calls her Nura ("NOOR-uh" is how it sounds to me)._____________________________________________________________________Elinor
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There was an baby from a Middle Eastern country on some medical show named Noor. I'm not one hundred percent sure on the spelling (it was in the program title, but I may be remembering it wron. I heard it NOR, rhyming with "more."
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I say it like the word "door".
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I know a boy named Nor (that's how he spells it, but he's Arabic so it's the Arabic Nur for sure). Anyway, he pronounces it Noor (oo as in boot).
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I know a Nur who pronounces the 'u' as in 'put' but not a Noor.Edited to add: oops! My Nur's full name is Nurair and she is Iranian, so, etymologically, her name might have nothing to do with Noor.~ Ivayla,
skillfully disguised as a responsible adult

This message was edited 9/2/2006, 11:59 PM

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In Australia, I've known one Nour and one Nor, but never a Noor. Both Nor and Nour were pronounced like 'Door'.The Nor I knew had Nor Afiza as a double fn, and her younger sister was named Nor Azura.
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.

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In Dutch we know this name too, but I believe it's than a variant of Norah. Anyway, we pronouce it as 'nor'. The 'o' as in 'boat'.
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We know some people from Iraq, who's got a daughter named this. They pronounce it 'Nur'.----------------At least you'll never be a vegetable... even artichokes have hearts!
~ Audrey Tautou, "Amélie" ~
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