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[Facts] I actually had to go back to work.....
Hey everyone, after a little over a month of being out because of the bitrh of my daughter, I finally had to go back to work yesterday!! Yes after going back to work, I realized how nice it was being at home!!! Even if I did have to give up sleep for a while there! LOL Well just thought I would let everyone know that my somewhat vacation is offically over!!! :(
Gia :)
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Just one month maternity leave? Bummer. You should move to the European Union :P
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How about paternity leave?Can you get that in the European Union, too? Coz, you're a good daddy, too, Pavlos. :)-- Nanaea
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I think Tony Blair is the first prominent european to do that :)
I missed the EU regulations allowing paternity leave my a couple of months :(
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LOL no kidding, but I kind of had to go back to work early... SJ knows why!! I hate this!!!
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Maternity leave laws......may differ from state to state, I'm not sure. In New York State, businesses which employ fewer than 50 employees are exempt from being required to provide maternity leave. I know this, because I have 40 employees in my own place, but I still voluntarily make some provision for maternity leave cases.Is it a small place that you work at, Gia? If it's a big place, then your employer may be out of line insisting that you come back to work early.-- Nanaea
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She wasn't forced by her employer, I'm sure they were actually quite surprised when she called and said, "I'm coming back today!!" It was other curcimstances. :(sarahjeanne
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Bummer. I send loads of positive energy to Gia .-- Nanaea
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Get well soon, Gia!!Me too, but I can't find her. I'm thinking she stayed home today, she wasn't feeling very well yesterday.Sarahjeanne
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Yes I stayed home today and I just finally woke up a few mins ago!! But Nan I do work for a very small company like 11 people total! But actually they where shocked when I called like Sarahjeanne said!!! I am going back to bed!!!
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The Family & Medical Leave Act applies in all states in the U.S.: Nanaea
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She had to, it was definately not by choice!! If it were up to her, she'd be at home taking care of the kids and her hubby and being a good mom/wife!! She IS a good mom and wife, she just wishes she could be home a little while longer to take care of her new Isabelle .SJ
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Awwww thanks Sarah ! I feel so special :)
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Gia NadineConsider this your virtual gift of the week:A HUGE stuffed animal (child-safe & of your choice) holding another box of imported chocolates (30# & even more cordial-filled this time). ;DPhyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
PS Sarah , you get a similar gift. :)
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Thanks, but what did I do to deserve it??????Sarahjeanne
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Sarahjeanne#1) You brought what was going on with Gia to our attention
#2) Does there HAVE to be a reason? ;)Just enjoy the Frangelico-filled dark chocolate cups, okay?Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Time to have another baby! LOL!:)
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NO!! Don't do it, Gia!! No more babies!! :P:)))
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LOL Sarahjeanne , I wont right now....but I want to have 5 eventually! I know alot for now a days but I am just one of those people who want a big family! Ryan only wanted one... not that that would actually happen!!! LOL
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Oh, honey,you can have all the little babies you want, just not right this very moment. Don't make me come up there!!! I can't afford nay more God babies! LOLSarah
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Oh Sarah , i dont plan to have anymore anytime many little ones at one time I think!!! Maybe in like 4 yrs or something!! :)
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Yeah, that sounds good. :))SJ
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PerhapsPerhaps you should see if you could get them not too long after each other so that they better can play with each other.
Just a suggestion of course
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Good idea Selwyn .....
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Wheew! You guys have a heck of a lot more energy than I do!! One right after another, huh?? Sounds tiresome!! That's what friends are for, to play with eachother! My oldest sister is 26, my brother is 23, I'm 19, and my little sister is 13. I also have a step brother who is 19, and 2 step sister's that are 15 and 16. I loved having an older sister. We didn;t get along too well when I was younger. probably because I was such a brat, but in the second half of being a teenager, I loved it! She could buy me beer! Caleb will be the protective brother that I always wish I had. That's always good. Well, most of the time. LOL :)
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To grow up togetherTo grow up together forge something stronger than friends. Or that has at least been my experience. Friends sadly seems come and go with the changing of the tide. Yet, the siblings you grew up together with stay until the end for better or for worse.
As I said that is a personal experience and may of course not apply to all.
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I do agree, Selwyn . I wish that I were closer to my siblings. I honestly believe that if something were to happen to me later in life, they would stick me in a nursing home or something! Not that we don't love each other, we do, we are just not very close. I wish I was much closer to my younger sister, our mom wasn't a very good role model, so I want her to know that I'll always be here, but she's 13 now, and busy being a 13 year old. She doesn't think I'm cool anymore like when she was younger and she wanted to do EVERYTHING I did and wear everything I wore!! I miss her looking up to me. I guess I'm just being selfish!! If it were up to me, she'd still call me sissy! :))Sarahjeanne
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You know I beleive that to be true too.... My sisters and I are really far apart and non of us have a strong bond!
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I am sorry to hear that GiaHopefully you have good friends and a careing husband to stand by you in difficult times.
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Oh I do.... my sisters and I are getting better now that we are older but it was a pain growing up with such huge age differences!! But I am all good Plus I have Sarahjeanne !!! :)
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You are my girl, Gia !! It's amazing how many REALLY good friends I have. Most people have one best friend, and I do too, Jennie will always be a huge part of me, but it's amazing how I got so lucky as to have the best group of good friends ever. I wouldn't trade a single one of them for anything in the world, and they all know that. That includes you, Gia !! It's so cool to me that we have so much in common. God only knows what kind of wierdo's you find on the internet!! LOL Make sure you tell your friends how much you love them, because you never know when one might not be arpund anymore. Trust me, I know. One of my best friends died almost 4 years ago, and it was the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Ever. I'm a huge frienship finatic. It means the world to me. :) I sound so corny! LOL
Your Friend,
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Thanks Sarah , I actually called up an old friend today! She was/is my best friend but we kind of lost touch when I moved into our new place!! But I finally called her and we hung for a couple hours before she had to go to a Prince concert!! LOL
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Don't you love that?? I recently started hanging out with an old friend again. It's funny, she only lives a street over, but it's so easy to lose touch!sarahjeanne
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Awwww...Poor Gia! I'm at Derek's house, so I popped in to say hi. Did I surprise you today? Sorry I was bored, well gotta go.Sarah
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Oh it is ok Sarahjeanne, I didnt mind you calling me! I was just shocked!! When you said it was Sarah I couldnt think of anyone I knew named Sarah that would have the number to my work! Then I finally got it!! LOL A little slow I know!
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Where are you??Are you still at work? I emailed you twice.Sarah
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I am talking to you right know!!
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Oh yeah!! Hi.
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The plot thickens....
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Behind the words "Work" and "Money"When I read your post I could help to wonder how odd it is that we in our modern society differ between a mother taking care of her child, and a woman leading a company.
It appears that we somewhere along the line stopped defining work as what we do when we do not rest and instead began to speak of work only when we earn money. Only when money is involved we work it seems.What puzzels me is not that the word "money" and the word "work" is connected in a capitalist society. Nay what puzzles me is that the word "work" no longer seems to cover taking care of ones child.
But if so how are we then to define taking care of ones child?
As a hobby?*sits back pondering the oddities of language*
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I prefer "Time"
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I am not sure I understand what you meanYou prefer time instead of what?
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wow what your mind ponders when I just let you all know I had to go back to work!! But that is a good question to think about!!! I think it may be because it was your choice to have the child, or most of the time it was your choice!! But work is something we have to do to live!! Which unfortuntly is something sad!!
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