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Mira, Mirabelle, Vivienne or Willow?
Usually Mira & Mirabelle are my favorites for a girl, no doubts about it. But, more and more lately Willow & Vivienne come to mind. Willow has been a favorite of mine since I was about 12 and is one of the very few that has been consistent on my list.So, once again I'm asking which of these names do you like the best for a future daughter for me? The middle name would be Ruth, in honor of my grandmother, my mother and my middle name.I recently created a poll with the same question and Mira & Vivienne came out on the top.Which do you prefer and why? Explanations would be appreciated.Mira Ruth (MEER-ah)
Mirabelle Ruth (Belle is also a family name)
Vivienne Ruth (Also considering Vivien, Vivianne & Vianne)
Willow RuthTIA
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Vivienne Ruth I able to see it more on a child. Willow Ruth would be my second though.
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Vivienne RuthI've never really liked Mirabelle, and I can't really see a professional woman with the name - or almost anyone. Mira is a nick-name to me, tied 100% to my niece, so it's also out. I love Willow, and I think it flows fine with Vivienne, but Vivienne just has this look and sound that are so spunky and yet quite feminine at the same time that my vote immediately goes to it.
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My favorite is Mira Ruth, but if you named her Mirabelle Ruth you could always call her Mira. I just think Mirabelle is a bit much, and I usually like those names. Vivienne Ruth is a close second.
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Mira RuthI think Mira is a lovely name.
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Mirabelle Ruth flows the best out of all the combos-- and therefore I like it the most. However, I prefer Willow to Mirabelle normally. I've never cared for the name Vivienne, I just don't like the sound. Mira is really nice, but not with a one syllable middle name.
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Mirabelle Ruth is my favourite, although I slightly prefer Willow. I think Mirabelle Ruth flows better than Willow Ruth and has more nn options.
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Mirabelle Ruth
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me too :)
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I agree
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I prefer Willow because I dislike the rest of the names and I love willow trees.
(I can live with Mira, but prefer Mirra)
Mira Ruth - Dislike, too many "r"s and Ruth doesn't sound right here.
Mirabelle Ruth - I prefer Mirabel, and the combo is a bit eww...weird to me. Mirabelle is so frilly and Ruth is so modest. :S
Vivienne Ruth - Dislike, but Vianne Ruth would be lovely!
Willow Ruth - I like it :)
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Mirabelle Ruth gets my vote. I just really like the sound of it, and you could always use 'Mira' as a nn, so you get to use two names you love. I also like the fact that Belle is a family name. Mira would be next choice. It's sweet and simple.Vivienne I like also, but I know two men with this name, so I always think of it as a male name unfortunately. Willow is the only one of your names that is not my style. I just find the other three a lot more attractive sounding.HTH. :)
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Willow Ruth would be my choice, I don't really like -belle names, and Mira is ok, but doesn't have the ncie sound that Willow has. Vivienne is just ok. Vianne Ruth would also be very nice, and tied with Willow Ruth as far as I'm concerned :)
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Vivienne Ruth - just because the meaning grabs me today. But then that's a problem because I'm digging Mira and Mirabelle meanings too. I'd go Mirabelle over Mira because then can use both by having Mirabelle with nn Mira (and use family name Belle).
Now Willow is left... Use Vivienne (or Mirabelle) and for some reason nn her Willow (name as a nn, it happens all the time).
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I like Mirabelle Ruth the best. I think it sounds pretty, it flows well and you'd be using some family names, which seems important to you. Very pretty and Belle could be a cute nn.
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I LOVE Mira and Mirabelle...very pretty. I like willow...but it doesn't go too good with Ruth. I'd have to say my top pick is Mirabelle Ruth. Hope this helps! Good luck and God bless!
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Willow is my favorite, though I'm biased. My father's name is William, and I would like to name my daughter Willow in honor of him. It sounds so pretty and look pretty as well, imo.
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Ooh, tough. Vivienne Ruth is my favorite combo--this is definitly my favorite spelling. It's really gorgeous. Mirabelle Ruth is a close second, especially with the nicknames Mira, Miri or Belle. I adore Mira but it sounds awful with Ruth--the Rs are too close together. Willow is pretty but really fluffy and insubstantial.
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I LOVE Mirabelle!!! It is absolutely gorgeous. I really like Vivienne as well.
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