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Ok, so the post about Morgan got me thinking about one my own favorite boys names.....Sidney nn SidI know it's pretty popular on girls these days but is it usable on a boy??Sidney Josiah is my tentative combo
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I think Sidney is fine on a boy, esp. nn Sid. Sydney is all girl to me, but I think Sidney is still mostly masculine. And I'm pretty sure Sid is still all boy.Sidney Josiah is pretty good. Sidney Tobias is the one that popped into my head.
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I love Sidney for a boy which is why I can't stand it on a girl. Of course it's still useable on boys. You've heard of the "take back the streets" movement (= neighborhood crime watches)? Well, let's start a "take back the name" movement and start with Sidney, Aubrey and Rory for boys. :-) Sidney makes me think of Elizabethan England and swashbuckling naval adventurers. I don't know any off-hand, that's just the mental image that I have. Sidney Josiah is wonderful.
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I love Aubrey and Rory too! And actually Whitney was once my FAVORITE boys name and I still love it!Sidney always gives me a bit of a pirate vibe too, haha
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I prefer it on a boy as well! I think it's usable on a boy, especially due to the nickname Sid. I like Sidney Josiah. It's handsome. :)
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I think Sidney on a boy is perfectly useable. NHL player Sidney Crosby has no problem with it. I'd be willing to use it, but I'm not as good with combos...
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Haha, I'm always overjoyed when I hear there is some sports player out there wearing one of my favorite names because my bf is a HUGE sports fan and I figure if he gets use to seeing a male named Sidney, or whatever else, he'll be more open to it for our own future little ones :) The next problem becomes his response... when I mentioned Whitney on a boy he actually said he liked it, but thought only a black guy could pull it off, lol. That's what I figured would happen with Sidney since his most immediate association is probably Sidney Rice.....but Sidney Crosby.... I'll have to bring him up if the above happens ;)thanks!
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I love Sidney on a boy, not a huge fan of Sid though, but since Syndey as a girls name hasnt really taken off here in the UK, i still see it as a male name
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It is definitely usable on a boy. I prefer Sidney as the masculine spelling and Sydney as the feminine spelling.
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I like Sidney for a boy, but i don't like it for a girl.I don't like the name Josiah, but Sidney Josiah flows well.I like :Sidney Alexander
Sidney Oliver
Sidney Luke
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Sidney/Sydney is 100% boy to me, can't stand it on a girl.I really really love Sidney nn Sid. Unfortunately I love Adelaide more, so Sidney is out of the question for me. Have never met a girl called Sidney, and I hope to keep it that way! This is one that the boys need to reclaim.Sidney Josiah is great.Other ideas:
Sidney Matthias
Sidney Arthur
Sidney Isaiah
Sidney Jasper
Sidney Elijah
Sidney Ezra
Sidney Micah
Sidney Frederick
Sidney George
Sidney Elliot
Sidney Francis
Sidney Patrick
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