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So, we've got 16 days until we're due. I'm already dilated and have been feeling contractions for the better part of a week, and we still don't have a handful of names set in stone, or even scribbled in pencil!!My middle names are set. Since this little surprise is on his way, I like the idea of honouring with middle names. So they're set, Robbie Alasdair - Robbie for Rob and his grandfather, and Alasdair for my family.I have loved Skyler for a long time, it was on my list for Casey. I wouldn't hesitate to use it but ... Casey is a "unisex" name, so they say. So is Skyler. Do I look cruel having two boys with gender neutral names? I see Casey and Skyler the same way I picture Michael or Daniel - very masculine, and it's hard for me to picture them on girls. I even know a couple female Skylar's.Anyways, what do you think of Skyler for a boy, in general? What about paired with big brother Casey William? And finally, what do you think of Skyler Robbie Alasdair _______?
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I don't especially like Skyler for either gender but if I had to use it, I'd probably say it was feminine. However I feel the same about Casey, so perhaps Casey and Skyler would go well together. I think the obviously masculine middle names makes it more clear that Skyler is masculine as well.
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I love it...(m)and it's certainly masucline in my mind. Casey I like as a possible nn for a female, but as a full name, it's without a doubt masucline. I like Casey and Skyler as brothers, even if it may be a "unisex" brotherhood. With you middle names, it sounds okay. Nothing to nit-pick about, just doesn't wow me. But it has meaning to you and that seems to be more important. I say go for it : )
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No, it's not cruel at all, they go well together. I love Skyler, for a girl. I like it on a boy, too. But for some reason it always seemed feminine to me and also the nickname Sky.I like Casey William. Skyler is nice on a boy but I prefer it on a girl. I dislike Robbie, could you use Robert? Or Robin? Alasdair is alright.
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I think Skyler and Casey work very well together as brothers. I wouldn't worry about the unisex thing, personally. Both of those names are all boy to me. (Though I do prefer Schuyler to Skyler.)Skyler Robbie Alasdair is cute!
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I'd do some switching. Skyler is too trendy for me. My cousin is having b/g twins in October and the girl is going to be called Skyler. My association with the name is female. Alasdair Robert would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. I strongly encourage it. It also complements Casey unexpectedly and well.
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YES!I only like Skyler on a boy. Although I much prefer the spelling Schuyler. It just looks more masculine to me.But I'd be very pleased to meet a boy Skyler of any spelling.Yes, I think Casey and Skyler are just fine for brothers. Not cruel at all. I'd go with Skyler Alasdair Robbie- the other way round the r's run together.Good luck! Let us know when he's here.

This message was edited 9/16/2011, 10:53 AM

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You would NOT be cruel for having two boys with unisex names. Casey is all boy to me and so is Skyler! Plus, I think Casey and Skyler are so handsome together. I love the name Skyler, especially with the nn Sky. I do prefer the Skylar spelling because it reminds me of skylarks, but I like Skyler too. :) I think that Skyler Robbie Alasdair goes swimmingly with Casey William. The middle names aren't my style personally, BUT I love that they have so much meaning for you. So, I say you should go for it. :)
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Well, Skyler isn't really my style, to be honest. I don't think it's "cruel" to have two boys with unisex names, but it's good to bear in mind that most unisex names end up being perceived as more female than male, on the long run, though neither Casey nor Skyler feels "girly" to me.
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Having two unisex names for two boys wouldn't be weird for me, in fact it makes more sense to be honest. I prefer Skyler on a boy, I feel that Skye fits girls best and Sky and Skyler are for boys, though I prefer Skylar. FinallyI dislike Robbie, but like that it's honoring and Skyler Alasdair is wonderful Good Luck :)
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Skyler feels very very boy to me. I would assume Skyler was a boy, yet know that there was a small chance it could be a girl. Same with Casey - at least that spelling. I'd assume boy. They seem like great names for brothers to me. I don't like the two middle name thing, but there's nothing inherently wrong with Skyler Robbie Alasdair.
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I'm actually not much of a fan of a double middle name either, however, since this little guy was quite the surprise, and I didn't honour at all with Casey's name (and wished I had after the fact, although I absolutely love his name), I figured I should make sure I get something in for our family, especially since no one is expecting it, and I know they'll be honoured.
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Are you totally set on that spelling? Because for boys I've only ever seen it spelled Schuyler, and I've met 2-3 my age-ish before. But no Skylers at all of either gender. So I'd assume it would be spelled Schuyler, but maybe that's just because I live in a very Dutch area. I think Schuyler looks more masculine too because it doesn't have Sky in it, which seems feminine to me.Other than that, I say totally go for two ambiguous names. Casey to me is nearly 100% masculine anyway. I've met way more male than female Caseys, and it's always spelled that way on boys and some other way on girls... like Kasey or Kayci or whatever. And for the record, there are people who go to my church with two boys named Cassidy and Courtney so, you know, people do that. :)
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The first time I actually saw Skyler for a boy, that's how it was spelled. So that's the most natural choice for me. For some reason, perhaps because the few female Skylar's I know are spelled with the a instead of the e (and one tryndee SkiLar, no joke), it seems more masculine. I have tried to like Schuyler, but it just doesn't feel right to me, if that makes sense. I just gravitate towards Skyler - the same as Hailey is my preferred spelling as that's the first way I'd seen it spelled.I've never actually met a female Casey, although I have heard of a few, and most of them had more trendy spellings, like the ones you pointed out.I'm sure there are people that do that, and I wouldn't hesitate if he looks like a Skyler (and of course, Rob agrees). I just took a lot of flak from Rob's family about Casey being a girl's name and it never really dawned on me that someone else might not see the names I pick in the same light that I do.:)
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