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Today I read a comment that said "This sounds gross. It's overused and sounds like pee. Get over yourselves people. Are you on crack?
-- Anonymous User 10/13/2015." Do you agree with what this person is saying? I found it quite interesting .
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I find it hard to take an interest in comments by what seems to be a sadly immature exhibitionist; anyway, given enough daughters I'd gladly use Penelope for one of them, so no.
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Not in the least. I don't find Penelope ultra appealing, but that comment is trolling for trouble.
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Sure, if you're immature.
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Obviously the person is entitle to their own opinion, although the person didn't have to sound so harsh/judgementalI really like this name, especially how it sounds! Also love the nickname Penny. Didn't realise it was popular, I don't think it is where I live
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Yes.....(m)Well, partially. I don't like the name because of the "pee" sound at the end. It really gets me. I do like Penny, but I wouldn't put that on a birth certificate because it's a nickname.Penelope is getting trendy anyway.But I wouldn't say something like "Get over yourselves people. Are you on crack?" No need to personally insult those who like the name. But that's the comments for you.
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Wow, it's #42!!!! Jebus.
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I think Penelope is a nice name, but it really is becoming overused (it's skyrocketed in popularity the past five years).

This message was edited 1/6/2016, 2:06 PM

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I wouldn't word it quite like that, but I really don't understand the appeal. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is, but there's something that just sounds wrong. Like all the sounds of Penelope put together don't work well together, especially when I say it. I don't actually mind the 'pee' ending; I mean I like Calliope, but not Penelope. And whilst I normally like names with a link to Greek mythology, I feel like it doesn't have the same beauty and mystery most others have, and I think it's almost sickly sweet. Too much for me. So, yes, I don't like it, and it's quite nice to be able to say it to be honest haha. But each to their own.

This message was edited 1/6/2016, 1:38 PM

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I totally agree with 110% percent of what you just said there,
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I don't like it, but it doesn't make me think of urine. Personally, I don't know anyone named Penelope so in real life, it doesn't seem overused. On the polls, it's fairly frequent.
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I don't agree with the comment at all, and I see that the commenter hid behind internet anonymity to say something truly odious. (Though for the crème de la crème of terrible comments on names, check out the comments left for Shekinah.)I've enjoyed Penelope since I was a child, but I don't care for the nickname Penny. It's a coin that people spend, and one which many want to phase out of existence. I do, however, like the nicknames Nell and Nelo.
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I checked it out. You're right. It was kind of funny.
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I actually think admins went and deleted several of the comments for Shekinah - the thread used to be longer.
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I actually like Penelope as a full name now the nickname Penny rubs me the wrong way but that's another story. I don't think think it sounds like Pee.
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Haha, the comments section is full of gems like that on almost every name. It's not a very interactive feature, plus it gives you the ability to post anonymously, so people leave behind some very exaggerated opinions.I find the strangest part of her comment to be that Penelope is overused. I don't know any!
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If you check out its popularity statistics you will see that it's really skyrocketed and is currently #42. That's from not being in the top thousand in 2000. If you don't know any Penelopes, it must be because you don't know a lot of children, toddlers, and babies. I know of a four-year-old Penelope nn Penny.
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I know it's become more popular, but overused is still a strong word!
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I can't say that I'm wild about the 'pee' sound at the end of Penelope, however, it has so much going for it that I don't really care that much. Penelope is quirky and energetic and the potential nn Penny is ageless and I speak from experience. I have an older sister by almost 15 years and her name is Penny. People have assumed she was younger than me just by hearing her name. I love its sweetness. I also have Penelope "Penny" in mind for a puppy one day in the distant future. :-)
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No, not at all! Nobody has the right to judge a name like that.But I don't like Penelope. I don't like it because in my opinion it sounds like it's trying too hard to be upper class and Penny reminds me of my Auntie's old dog.I like Nell though. Nellie reminds the elephant from a nursery rhyme.
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I personally don't like Penelope either. But I do like poppy.
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So the last syllable is "pee". So what. There's more to the name, it's not unknown or weird, and it would likely be shortened to Penny anyway. That person really needs to take a chill pill.
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