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I know Lila has been getting a lot of play here lately, and deservedly so.But what about Lola? I just got a new car and named her Lola, and I realized just how much a I adore the name Lola.What are your impressions? Also, my great-great-grandmother was named Lola. She had fifteen children.
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Lola sounds cartoonish like a flying pig in children's story. When I hear the name Lola, I imagine a pink pig in a tutu carrying a wand and flying around on the pages of a picture book.
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I love the sound of the name and it looks nice too, but for me it's the meaning. I can't get past the meaning of the name!
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I used to dislike Lola, but it's really been growing on me as of late.I honestly don't think Lola's that bad. Personally, I wish people would stop using Lola as names for trashy characters in songs and movies. Most Lolas I've seen in fiction were either trashy, mean-spirited, or flat-out unlikable. The only Lola I've seen in fiction who's even remotely likable is Lola Bunny, and even then, she's a cartoon rabbit, plus her design is intended to be fanservice-y.I feel like Lola's reputation as a trashy/"sexy" name probably originated with Lola Montez.

This message was edited 5/18/2017, 5:05 PM

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I think maybe it's cute? It's hard to tell, all I can think about is Copa Cabana. Now it's in my head. Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl!
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Aaaauuuuggghhh I hate that song so much now it's stuck in my head thanks a lot(joking but I really do hate the song)
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I like it. It's cute, short and sweet, but fun, energetic, and playful too. It's on my guilty pleasure list because it's really popular where I live, but I think it's an awesome name.
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Like others have said, I think it has a kind of cheap, trying-to-be sexy vibe. It's quite popular and trendy where I live, along with similar (imo) names like Lexi, Layla and Lacey, so I'm a bit bored of hearing it.

This message was edited 5/18/2017, 8:33 AM

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It seems somewhat sleazy to me, because of the Nabakov novel and the Kinks song. Good name for a car, though. One of our cars is named Nigel, and I named the Jeep Roy, but those are names we wouldn't give a child.
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I think Lola is best suited to a car or a pet, if it has to be used at all. I have never liked it. It has a trashy, desperately-trying-to-be-sexy vibe to it that is also very dated at the same time. It just sounds like somebody in the mid-20th-century with a mass of badly dyed and permed hair with a ton of spray on it, dragon-lady fingernails, jeans halfway up inside her butt, spiky heels and a cigarette glued in the corner of her mouth, hanging around a bar talking too loud and fawning over every man who comes near her hoping he'll buy her another martini.
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I think all of the things you said also (more so) apply to Roxanne.Just my opinion! :)
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I only know one Roxanne in Real Life, she is a forest engineer.
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I don't know if Roxanne sounds like a hooker name because of the Police song, or if the Police chose it for the song because it already sounded like a hooker name.
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