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Today’s Newspaper
Sisters Nova 20 months old and Luna-Rae newborn. WDYT?I’m not loving either name personally but I don’t mind the theme.
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I love the sci-fi theme! Individually, I enjoy Nova, it's fun to say and looks great. To me personally, the meaning is still a bit too in your face but I must say I'm really getting used to it as a name. I don't care for Luna and just dislike Rae and usually I wouldn't like Luna-Rae but this sibset is just great and it wouldn't be without Luna-Rae so I have to appreciate it.
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I love Nova, and Luna isn't bad either, though I really don't like Luna-Rae. Nova and Luna would've been just fine as the first names; no need to emphasize what's already emphasized (the theme). But, Luna-Rae does sound pretty, despite being cheesy in my opinion.
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Nova and Rae would be sweet, or Luna and Rae, or Nova and Luna. Luna-Rae is a bit cringy, but it’s alright I guess.
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Don't like either
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I dislike both names individually, especially Nova. (Although not excessively, just a general dislike) The names certainly go together, but are also mega cheesy. I suspect the next sibling to be named something like Stella or Apollo. Or maybe Andromeda.
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I'm the reverse. I don't mind Luna and Nova individually (they're popular, have some history, and I don't hate the meanings), but the theme (even Luna-Rae "lunar ray" by itself) seems hokey.It reminds me of twin goats I know of named Luna and Stella.

This message was edited 6/20/2023, 4:58 PM

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Too sci-fi for me, nms
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Both Luna and Nova are in the top 50 where I am (Luna #22 and Nova #38) and I'm honestly sick of both of them. They're short and easy to spell but lack... substance. So yeah, not a fan.
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Too matchy/themed for my tastes. Separately they are tolerable.Rae is horrible. It's the newest generation's version of the filler middle names Lynne, Leigh, Marie, Rose, etc. And hyphenated, it looks worse. Rae is a masculine name, and switching the 'y' to an 'e' doesn't made it more feminine. It makes it look like the parents can't spell.
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In South Africa, it used to be polite for children to address older, parent-aged women as Aunty (and men as Uncle). And I know of a woman, probably no longer alive, who always went by her childhood nickname, which was Baby. And she was called Aunty Baby. This depressed me; and I feel the same about Nova. She will in all likelihood live to be over 80, by which time she'll be a Super-Nova all right. As for Luna-Rae ... all I can say is, it's an improvement on Moonbeam. And it seems so easy to give her the nn Luny, or of course Loony.
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Hi!I like both Nova and Luna and I love the theme.But -Rae ... I know that it's "ray" but in my opinion is too much. Nova & Luna is enough.
They are beautiful without MNs.

This message was edited 6/20/2023, 1:36 PM

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