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Taylor vs. Katy
Which name would you choose for a real, live baby?Both girls, BTW, Taylor is not an option for a boy in this post. Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

This message was edited 11/20/2023, 8:10 AM

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Taylor is better. I think Katy is a bit boring. Kate would be better as a full name than Katy.
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Katy. I'd prefer Katharine, nn Katy or Katie but probably Kitty. I wouldn't touch Taylor with the sharp end of a razor.
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Katy, though not a favorite, over and above the ghastly Taylor every day and twice on Sundays.
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I'd pick Taylor over Katy, but Katie over Taylor if that was an option.
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I hate the name Taylor and have since I first heard it in the early 90s. So, Katy. I would use Taylor over, hm...Ainsley but that's all I can think of.

This message was edited 11/20/2023, 3:27 PM

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I know my partner like the name Catherine, so, I could work with that... but you know, no, I'm going to go with Taylor. The "Tay" part is fun. Plus I come from a long line of mothers who give their daughters trendy names that age terribly.
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I wouldn't be happy about it, but I'd pick Taylor. I cannot stand Katie/Katy, they sound so obnoxiously cutesy and boo-boo-ga-ga.
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I don’t really like either name, but Taylor. At least it’s a full name and not a diminutive and it sounds less juvenile. And there’s more nickname options.
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Katy.I'd rather spell it Katie, though. Katie is a good name. It will always be both old and young, to me. Katy reminds me of Katy Perry, who inspires in me an unpleasant mixture of pity and revulsion (I don't know her music well, it's just her). Also it just looks childish to me. Even Kati and Kady and Katey seem better than Katy.Sorry Taylor, but I think you are going to become one of those really dated exfad names that nobody wants to give a daughter again until like 2090. You're like the Brenda or Tracy of your time.
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Katy, I'd prefer Kate though. I'd spell it Katie

This message was edited 11/20/2023, 10:15 AM

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I prefer Katy but would spell it Katie.
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Katy I guesssssss. At gunpoint only
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Taylor, I don't like Katie at all. I would prefer Kate over Taylor though.
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Katy, definitely. Taylor is ugly.
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Taylor. it’s a bit of a gp. Katie in the Katy spelling looks odd.
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Katy simply because I have bad associations with a female Taylor.
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