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Re: Daividh and PriaposLovs..
...and anyone else who has an opinion, I haven't heard what you think yet. Let me know! I'm anxious. :)
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I like it! It goes together nicely. I wish I could get a new name(idenity). Good luck with the name!Diana
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American Indian Names for All!The Anagram Fairy has decided to grant your wish, Diana ! With a wave of her magic Anagram Wand, she has transformed everyone whose first, middle, and last name she knows into Native Americans:Daividh ="Richard Alviam Glad Hills"
Diana ="Gia Nadine War Mare"
Nanaea ="Nella Renae Apache"
Phyllis ="Phyllissa Free Sky "
PriaposLovs="Victor Paysson Appaloosa"
Sarahjeanne="Dejah Hana Sun Creek"-- Nanaea
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I like!! :)
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Wow Nan thanks! Though I see I missed out on a lot this weekend. I was out with my husband shopping for new everything for our new house. We are suppose to move in May 1st. But we will see! Gia Nadine War Mare
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Looking for the meaning of an Indian NameHello, I was out in my family cemetary the other day and I came across a grave with the name O SI O GANE with an accent over the letter E. I was hoping to find the meaning of this name. I story has been told that if someone decorates his grave that he will haunt them. I have not done this. The cemetary is south of Greencastle Indiana and is called Boon Hutch cemetary. Any help would be great. Thank you, John Alexander
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Eureka!"And therefore, Watson, when we have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable or Mexican fast-foodish, must contain the solution."Thank you, Nan, for providing the Rosetta Stone that at last let me crack the dark mystery of Priapos' full name! But one still wonders -- why did he use "C" as a middle initial in his GWU scholarly paper?
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Middle names in GreeceWelcome to the club, Hid Diva. As in the case of SarahJeanne, you are now officially a Sorceress's apprentice, to be trained, tagged, and released in the wild in due time.And now for the "C" mystery. It is common practice in Greece for a person's middle name to be his/her father's first name. My father's name was Constantine (Konstantinos), and that is my proper middle name. Spriros is not exactly my middle name; my first name happens to be a hyphenated (yikes!) Pavlos-Spiros. My parents named me after two byzantine icons they treasured, St Paul and St Spiro. I eventually ditched Spiros and just go by Pavlos (or Pavlo or Paul etc).
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Hopefully I'll make it in the wild! PriaposLovs, you have the most beautiful name! I wish I were Greek, just to have a name like that. Do names like Sarah change in Greek?
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Thanks a million for your good words :))
You really wished you were Greek? Anyone who has delved into Greek mythology, history and philosophy and enjoyed it can rightfully claim to be Greek -- being Greek has nothing to do with language, race or place. I oftentimes catch Nanaea being more Greek than I :PThe name "Sara " does exist in contemporary Greece, as do most biblical names including mine (Pavlos ). Jeanne in Greek is Ioanna or Yanna :) And if you would like a pet Greek name, I propose Rhea (pronounced RE-ah, RE as in "red"), a Titan, whose name means "flow". The letters composing "Rhea " are found in SarahJeanne.
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Thanks, Priapos, I want to call you Pavlos , now! Greek names tend to just roll off the tounge. I really like Yanna. I like Rhea , too, but Yanna is more fun! :) I wish I knew the language. I took german for 4 years, but it's not a very pretty language. Don't get me wrong, I'm gald to know it, but I wish they would have offered Greek in high school! But like you said in a post a while back, we all speak Greek, we just don't realize it!
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...and you know what the real bummer is? Greek missed out by only a handful of votes to becoming official language of the USA when it gained its independence!!!
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I didn't know that! I know that Greek revival architecture was all the rage in the U.S . right after the War of Independence, but I had no idea that people were actually proposing we all speak Greek.Do you know who it was who proposed this, P.L .? And who voted for it, as well? I'm going to guess that Ben Franklin may have been on the Greek side.-- Nanaea
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An urban legend????The story that Greek was almost voted as an official language in the US is so widespread here that I took it for granted. Tried to find some support though a web search, but -- bummer! -- I didnt find any :(
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Found a book...I'd honestly never heard of this before, but I was intrigued enough to use my librarian's skills to track down a book which covers this:*O Strange New World; American Culture: The Formative Years*, by Howard Mumford Jones (published 1964)The book is apparently out of print now, but I'll see if I can snare it via interlibrary loan. Sounds like interesting reading!-- Nanaea
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Nice to see you two, today. :) I guess you really do learn something new everyday. I'm glad I have the chance to talk with the regulars on this board. I learn so much, and that's really good! I know my brain won't go dead on my little college break!!:)
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"I oftentimes catch Nanaea being more Greek than I,"@@@@ Being of Sephardic ancestry, Nanaea most likely has some Greek blood in her. ;) But I'll agree absolutely that anyone with an interest in Greek mythology, history, and philosophy has a right to claim Greekiness. :)"And if you would like a pet Greek name, I propose Rhea ..."@@@@ That's a *great* Greek name for Sarahjeanne! Cool choice, P.L .! :)-- Nanaea
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I think that PriaposLovs ought to......give us all Greek names. :)-- Nanaea
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One 4 Hid DivaPhilon Autobronchus Hippoid
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Autobronchus? The thing that stomped the SUV in "Jurassic Park"?Hippoid? Is that a British breath mint for horses? Somebody gets "Gaia Euphoria" and I get "Hippoid"??! Why not just "Venerios Smegmos Scrotos"? Damn...
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Hey you never really struck me as a Gaia Euphoria type of guy :P
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DaividhGaia Euphoria? I guess you've never encountered someone who has "drawn down the moon" either naturally or through "chemical means". If you can find Drawing Down The Moon by (something) Adler and The Sacred Dance by Starhawk, read them. You'll understand (I think). I'll try to find other books you might want to look at (including a couple from Z Budapest (I think that's her name)).Phyllis Sidhe Uaine
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Daividh (and anyone else interested)Drawing Down The Moon by Margot Adler was published three times: first in 1979, second in 1986, then lastly in 1997. She included some extra stuff in the latter publications.Phyllis
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Spiral Dance?Hi, Phyllis . I think it's *The Spiral Dance* by Starhawk -- not *The Sacred Dance*. Although I could be wrong, as I'm sure I don't have every book on the Wiccan movement in my personal collection. :) I picked up a 1979 first-edition of Starhawk's book back in the early 80s. I agree with you that Starhawk is definitely one of the people to recommend on the subject of neopaganism.I never got around to reading Margot Adler's *Drawing Down the Moon*. Interesting that this book was first published in the same year as Starhawk's. 1979 must've been a dawning year for the neopaganism movement in America.-- Nanaea
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NanaeaMea culpa, mea culpa. It is *The Spiral Dance* by Starhawk. I shoulda known since it is one of my textbooks.As for neopaganism, it was around since the early part of the '70s, but mostly underground. I guess that 1979 was theyear it became "acceptable". I'll try to find a copy of the interview I have with one of Starhawk's teachers. He's been considered eccentric even among neopagans.Phyllis
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Cool deal! :) One thing I especially enjoyed in Starhawk's book, was her description of the "Taking Back the Night" ceremony held in San Francisco .Isn't it interesting that so much of what is considered "New Age" today seems to have sprung out of San Francisco ? I mean, there was the hippy movement, and of course Anton LaVey was a San Franciscan. I sometimes wonder if San Francisco might be America's equivalent of Glastonbury -- which I found to be the New Age Mecca of England when I visited there.I'll bet there's a ley line connecting both towns, or something. ;)-- Nanaea
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NanaeaI was thinking of Victor Anderson, not Anton LaVey.If you can access, click on course reserves, then go to Pizza, Murph under instructor, you can read almost all of the readings we're doing in class (including the interview of Victor Anderson).Phyllis
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If you're goin' to San Fransisco...
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Whoa, after reading all that, I think I'll stick with being an agnostic. :)And, in case anyone remains who might still have some lingering doubts as to the veracity of the Anagram Oracle..."Nanaea P., Agnostic"="Satanic Neopagan"-- Nanaea
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Phyllis ,I own (and have read) a number of books on both Wicca and pre-Christian Celtic religions, so I'm familiar with the terms. Once had a subscription to Green Egg, too.Phyllis , let me preface the following by saying it is NOT aimed at YOU or any other individual on this board! I don't know your particular beliefs, nor I am a position to judge you as a person even if I did! However, it's been a tough day, so please indulge me in a little rant against "some" Wiccans:While I respect almost all religions that don't feature wanton rock-throwing and unrestrained hate, I have developed a little bit of scepticism about the agenda (if not the practice) of some who follow Wicca.It seems that many (if not most) Wiccans have a "cafeteria feminist" approach to doctrine, gladly scarfing up any and all beliefs that will validate their "I am Woman" and "men are pigs" and "matriarchal Europe was a feminist paradise before those patriarchal Indo-Europeans came invading" bias. Blah blah blah.Now, altho I respect both for their devoutness and good works, I also have many problems with the "exclude-female" practices of both Catholicism and most of the Southern Baptist churches, and truly believe that the former at least will eventually and rightly be superseded by a "new" Catholicism, independent of Rome, that gives women full equality in the clergy. (My wife and I were both Catholic as kids, and she still attends Mass occasionally altho a practicing Protestant.)However, both the Catholic and Baptist faith structures cited feature an acceptance of women that is in no way paralleled for men in many branches of Wicca. In such cases, about the only men who participate are gay and therefore no "threat" to the militants.Sorry, but I believe the purpose of religion is to give us a benchmark and meaning for our lives while at the same time leading us to glorify God, in whatever aspect you perceive God. It's not simply to validate our own little prejudices.The Mass is ended, go in peace. : )
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You made some good points, Daividh , and I'm sure Phyllis will be the first to agree that she's observed some of what you described. But I think you've let yourself open for a little lecture on the fact that there are *numerous* groups of Wicca, with varying practices and ideaologies. :)And, I happen to know a few guys who call themselves Wiccan and who are definitely of the masculine, he-man variety. ;) In Wiccan ceremonies, they may represent The Horned One, while their female counterpart may represent The Goddess.Reading the books and magazine articles isn't enough to give you a full perspective on the neo-pagan movement in America. You need to meet with and personally speak with a few neo-pagans to really get to know them. And, of course, neo-pagan groups can differ from region to region in this country, same as Christian groups can differ regionally. :)-- Nanaea
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One thing more... :)"...about the only men who participate are gay and therefore no 'threat' to the militants."@@@@ Have to add that I also know a few gay guys -- of various religious backgrounds -- who would NOT perceive themselves as being of "no threat" to anti-male, female Wiccan militants. And neither would you, if you'd met them, too. :)I also know a few heterosexual guys who are whipped by their womenfolk. ;) (Not John , before you ask. :)-- Nanaea
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NanaeaYou don't occasionally have a little fun with your husband? ;)I wish Daividh was in my Wicca & Neopaganism class last Wednesday night. We spent the entire class on sacred prostitues, "queer" pagans and heterosexual male witches (and I do mean THE ENTIRE CLASS).Phyllis
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Phyllis ,I would've liked to have been there! One of the really fascinating things about Wicca is the vast range of elements available that "may" be relevant to a consistent belief structure. One of the really frustrating things is that there's so little solid to go on as to what shape the Old Religion actually took in various places and cultures, thanks to the ardent efforts of the early missionaries and later those fine and gentle folks who brought you The Burning Times.As a person of recent old-country Celtic derivation, I often wonder how the modern Celtic nations would've turned out if the Christian missionaries hadn't ventured onto their shores 1,500 years ago. Would the later fortunes and life of these cultures been better or worse?Had I been seaside with a hand grenade at the time of those first arrivals, the temptation would've been strong to pull the pin with my teeth John Wayne-style and pitch that sucker sidearm toward the beaching boat... : )(Hey y'all, sorry to have been so infrequent in posting this week. Spent 2 full days in Illinois, and am currently in North Carolina to visit my grown kid. Will be PC-less starting now until Sunday night. Later!)
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Somehow, I can just picture you standing "seaside with a hand grenade at the time of those first arrivals", about to "pull the pin with my teeth John Wayne-style and pitch that sucker sidearm toward the beaching boat..."Cool imagery, Daividh . But then, you're extremely cool, too. :)-- Nanaea
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DaividhIf you could sorta forward your e-mail address to mine, I'll put you in touch with John Gleeson, a professor of mine who specializes in Celtic (mostly Irish) history and Irish language. I think he'd be more than happy to answer any questions you have about what he knows of pre-Christian Ireland (including pre-Celtic). Just be grateful you don't have to sit through his slide shows. :DPhyllis
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We have lots of fun, Phyllis . You can't successfully have a Christian married to a Satanist without both having a sense of fun. ;)Sounds like you had an interesting class last Wednesday. You know, I wonder if one reason why a number of gays, rebels, freethinkers, and other societal outcasts have turned to neopaganism because that's one belief system that they find willing to accept them?Daividh made the point that the purpose of religion is "not simply to validate our own little prejudices." Quite honestly, I have encountered more people from the mainstream religions using the Bible (or the Tanakh, or the Koran) to validate their own little prejudices, than ever I have encountered from among the neopagans.-- Nanaea
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Few words about Greek pagans.There are generally 3 broad pagan-types in contemporary Greece.
1. One group includes those who dont rally want to break off from Christian Orthodoxy. Instead they try to convince themselves and everyone else that the Orthodox Christianity has basically adopted most of its rituals and liturgy from pre-christianity. They argue, for example, that Easteris, for most Greeks, far more important a religious ceremony than, say, Christmas. As a matter of fact, Easter Mass owes a lot of its "direction" to ancient theater. Moreover they argue that various saints have assumed in folklore the role of ancinet Gods. For example, St Nicholas is protector of the sea, a la Poseidon.
2. A second group which is gaining in popularity has severed all links with Judeo-Christianity, and is trying to reenact ancient religious ceremonies in places like Mt Olympus. These folks take the Gods of Olympus literally. Tryphon Olympios, a Greek-Swedish university professor, has been quite active in this attempt. As is to be expected, there are already splinter religious groups. Wanna-be religious leaders are bickering about how religious mysteries and ceremonies should be properly executed, etc etc.
3. The third group also rejects monotheistic religions, as monotheism breeds totalitarianism. This view holds that in classical Greece religion was not "organized", there was nothing equivalent to the "Bible" or the "Koran" and Gods were mostly allegorical. Polytheism to them is essentially a matter of keeping an open mind in questions of ethics and philosophy. To this extent Athens was full of statues "to the unknown God". They hold that any attempt to today codify a "Greek pagan ritual" and to claim that it is "orthodox" would actually end up mimicking "non-pagan" religions.
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Congratulations for your presentation. However, I would say that I not a pagan, meaning vulgar peasant. I would like to know who you are and where you are.
with regards
Tryphon Olympios
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Rant du jourOrganized religion is to spirituality what pornography is to love.
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The less organized, the less tamed. :)-- Nanaea
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Your Greek name would be *Nanaia Aegis*; Nanaia obviously means "deceptively small and cute but in fact capable of causing great discomfort to those who deserve to suffer." Aegis was Athena 's shield, made of ewe-skin. "Ewe-skin" would cover both your middle and surname :P
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Cool! Love it! :) :) :) I knew you would also come up with something cool for the rest. Don't forget Phyllis and Mike C. :)Daividh had better appreciate the Greek name you came up with for him, coz the anagrammed one I was planning to spring on him was absolutely goofy. I even kept in his favorite name of "Val":"Val Gil Hilliard Drachmas"-- Nanaea
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Phyllis and Mike-CThe name Phyllis in itself is as Greek as yogurtpie. Maybe if she cold remind me of her middle- and sur-names, I could come up with alternatives :)As far as Mike Dylan Campbell is concerned, I gotta work on it a bit to do him justice. Because thus far I only come up with *Phallic Lambda Clymene*, who happens to be leader of the "Hellenic Dykes-on-Bikes Association".
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Correction*Phallic Lambda Clymene* is an anagram of Michael (not Mike ) Dylan Campbell .
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Which explains why our Fearless Leader is a tough "Mike " and not a wussy "Michael " who would be polite to annoying telephone solicitors. ;)Phyllis ' middle name is "Faye". I dunno if she would be bothered about me posting her surname here, but eh -- I figure it's okay coz she posted it herself way back when she first signed on. It's "Kress".-- Nanaea
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Phyllis Faye! You have *two* Greek names! Phyllis means "leaf" and "faye" is a shade of grey. "Faya Ousia" -- "grey substance" -- is the source our decision and motivation process.
Kress itself has planty and leafy roots, and words such as "grass," "cress," and "grow" have evolved from it.
All things considered, your new Greek name is henceforth *Gaia Euphoria*, fertile earth.
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Hannibal PavlosOmigosh! I just realized I had a Philo Spinach Croissant for lunch!
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PriaposLovs and NanaeaMy paternal grandfather changed his name from Kreptconovich (I think), but I can't ask him because he died a number of years ago. It translates to "son of Krepkoi", which I found out Krepkoi translates into "strong" or "strength" (I forget which :D (shrug) ).
PriaposLovs, my middle name comes from Middle English and means "spirit" which is why I sometimes sign with the Gaelic phrase "Sidhe Uaine" (pronounced "she oohana" with the double-o pronounced like in "school"), but Gaia Euphoria sounds just as nice. (Nanaea , if you're still interested, I haven't stopped trying to get your middle name translated into Gaelic.)Phyllis (Sidhe Uaine)PS PriaposLovs, by the way, besides dryads, what other tree spirits are there in Greek mythology? I know the dryads were the spirits of the oaks, but I thought there were other tree spirits, like for the olive trees and such. Could you help me here? Thanks
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I promise to look into it Sidhe Uaine. But in all honesty you have an advantage over me with all your bibliographical and university resources on the metaphysical realm :)
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Yes I want a greek name. Then I can be Diana , Gia Nadine and whatever you give me!!
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In view of the fact that you are soon to move to a new home, I propose a Greco-Roman name 4 U: *Agne Nidia*, meaning "pure nest," which also happens to be an anagram of Gia Nadine .
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That is cool, but do you know what i also figured out after posting that? That my real name (Diana ) is a Roman goddess, and her greek counterpart is Artemis . Sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus ! I forget who her mother is, but I know I will kick myself if someone knows(palvos)because it is at the tip of my tongue! Though you can say if you know! But she is the goddess of the hunt and fertility.<---
just my!Gia Nadine a.k.a. Diana
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Just follow the hotlink Artemis and you shall see the light :) By the way, Diana in modern Greek means "bullseye", sisnce Artemis was such a good shot.
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See I wasent to far off. But I know that fertility is one of the two. I took mythology class in highschool and my teacher made of fun of me because of it. But what is even more weird(ok not a good senence)but that Diana / Artemis is the moon goddess and my birthday is in July which makes me a cancer--> moon child. I think I have this whole Moon thing going on! I wonder what that means?????Gia Nadine
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And btw I was upset when I saw it was leto cause I knew it but couldnt think of it. And if you check out the Diana link--> it has the fertility part....:( scary thought I think!!! LOL
Gia Nadine
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I thought you might like your new middle name of "Alviam". I was hoping you'd scour the the 'net, eagerly searching out a meaning for it, Daividh . :)Priapos' middle inital is "C"? Are you sure you've found the right Paul P.? There *are* two of them, ya know. ;)-- Nanaea
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Eat Lox and Prosper , Nan.We went up to Lexington today -- Rural Utah and me. (Mama's in Chicago.) Before we left, I did a Google search on "Alviam" but only came up with something ambiguously Brazilian and mercantile, and some dead guy in Yankton, South Dakota . Is it an anna-gramme for something obscure, perhaps? Or "I am Val"?The Paul "C." P. I found was co-author of a paper called "Understanding International Debt Crises", which I think you've mentioned before. Wernt none other by that last name listed on the Innernet.Is your John speaking or signing autographs at I-Con, or just chillin?
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"Eat Lox and Prosper , Nan."@@@@ LOL! I'm gonna add that to my compendium of fathomless-yet-suspicious-sounding expressions to use on people, Daividh . :)"We went up to Lexington today -- Rural Utah and me. (Mama's in Chicago.) Before we left, I did a Google search on "Alviam" but only came up with something ambiguously Brazilian and mercantile, and some dead guy in Yankton, South Dakota . Is it an anna-gramme for something obscure, perhaps? Or "I am Val"?"@@@@ You got it. Give "Alviam" a couple years and a little exposure, and soon you'll have dizzy chicks posting on this very board: "I named my son Alviam, but I have no idea what it means! Wheeeee! Can anyone here help me?!" :)"The Paul "C." P. I found was co-author of a paper called "Understanding International Debt Crises", which I think you've mentioned before. Wernt none other by that last name listed on the Innernet."@@@@ That's the right one, all right. Strange, but I don't remember seeing an initial C in his name when I looked it up. I guess PCP (hey, isn't that a controlled substance?) must've gone to the mountains again this weekend, else he'd have cleared up the mystery by now. As far as I know, his middle name is "Spiro"."Is your John speaking or signing autographs at I-Con, or just chillin?"@@@@ John had two panels today, and also did some signings. Tomorrow we're just chillin'. Did some chillin' in the Green Room earlier today with Harlan Ellison, who told me I'm "cute". :)-- Nanaea
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Is that "Val" as in Kilmer? "Thunderheart" is one of me and the boy's favorite movies! 'Bout worn our copy out!Mr Ellison's comment reminds me of what Mama said when I first mentioned we had a Satanic person becoming a regular on this board. She seemed concerned, so I showed her your posted picture with John on another site. Her reaction: "Why, she doesn't look Satanic at all. She's CUTE!"Moral: The Anti-Christ will have a lot easier time of it if he/she shows up in our midst in a ski sweater... ;)
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...with little pink hearts on it to boot :)))))
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I am deceptively little and cute and sweet. It gives people who try to mess with me a false sense of security, which ultimately works to my advantage. ;)You know what really cracks me up? This past weekend at the sci-fi convention there were a number of people dressed up as fantasy "warrior princesses" and fantasy "warriors" and carrying actual swords (which they were required by convention security to keep sheathed at all times). And I *know* that the vast majority of these people with their swords and knives and stuff wouldn't be able to handle one of those weapons in a real life situation to actually defend themselves if their lives depended on it. But I could, and I have -- with no reservations whatsoever about using a knife (or any quickly improvised weapon) to defend myself and cause maximum damage to the other person. Not that I've had to do that on more than a couple occasions in my life thus far, but it still cracks me up when I see some people acting out their badass fantasies at these conventions. ;)-- Nanaea
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Sounds like you were surrounded by a bunch of travestied bozos at the convention :) Knives, improvised weapons and killer minpins notwithstanding, I think your most lethal weapon is your wit:)
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Thank you. :) And, though I've never had the advantage of having seen a picture of you (or Daividh ) in order to assess your own potential ferocity, I *have* seen your wit (and Daividh 's) in action -- and it's clear that anyone would be a fool to mess with either of you two, as well. :)-- Nanaea
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"...though I've never had the advantage of having seen a picture of you..." You've have seen a photo of Nephele : she looks so much like me that I sometimes call her Mini Me. To asses my potential ferocity, picture a 9-fold male version with a well sharpened Montblanc pen and a couple of years experience with Aikido. Dont forget my bloodcurdling sidekick, Rover :P
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One can do a lot of damage with a well-sharpened Montblanc pen. ;) And "a 9-fold male version" of a child who has the original Redrum axe hanging on her nursery wall conjures up quite a formidable image of ferocity. :)-- Nanaea
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Thank you, Diana ! :)
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Wow I didnt expect such a huge response from that but thanks to Nan we all have new names...LOLGia Nadine
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