Sàmi names in the database?
A few times I have found Sàmi names in the database, but you can't search for them. Why is this?
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You mean you saw more than the 2 names listed on this dedicated page?
http://www.behindthename.com/names/usage/samiA simple site search for "sami" also turns up these names, among with some other unrelated things that match, e.g. the name Sami itself.As far as I can see, everything ok ...
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I mean, there is no category called "Sàmi names". But I guess they are still too few.I can contribute, though ;)
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Yeah, that's funny: That BtN page that I gave in my post and that I found by a Google search *is* the category page for those names - problem is that the "complete" list at http://www.behindthename.com/usage.php offers no link to that page (although it probably should).
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