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Re: Miray
I'm quite sure that Miray doesn't come from Mireille, at least not in Turkey. Of course I could be wrong but it doesn't make sense to me especially as Miray and Mireille don't sound the same in Turkish and them just randomly adding "ay" (moon) to a phonetically spelled French name seems unlikely to me.I don't know whether the Turkish language borrows a lot from French in general (I never studied this topic) but with names it doesn't seem to be the case. It's possible to access statistics from 1980 onwards and not a single French name or name of French origin is in the top 100.Turkish naming culture is usually very traditional (some exceptions such as modern word names but even those are usually based on old Turkish words) and usually borrows only from Arabic or Persian or derives directly from Turkish vocabulary words."autobus" and "culture" are words that are used pretty much everywhere and not an example that Turkish borrows from French a lot, in my opinion (not saying that it doesn't, I have no idea. Just saying that these are used pretty much universally). In German it's Autobus, in Romanian it's autobuz (well, they actually did borrow a lot from French being a Roman language) in Filipino it's "autobus", in Catalan it's "autobús", in Swedish "autobuss".Same with "culture" which is "Kultur" in German and Swedish, "kultúra" in Hungarian etc.I respect your opinion but I personally find this very unlikely.Please rate my list:

This message was edited 2/7/2023, 2:56 AM

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