Re: Find original pronunciation
Shanice could be an elaboration of Shan, an Anglicised form of Sian, which is indeed the Welsh form of Jeanne. Welsh and Gaelic aren't the same language--though they could be related; however I'm blanking on whether they definitely are or not, sorry--but many people lump Irish, Scottish, and Welsh together out of ignorance/confusion.Click on the name hyperlinks for more info.As for your name's pronunciation, as it's a made up elaboration, I would say it could be pronounced in any way your parents preferred. SHAN-is (like Janice) is as perfectly valid as, say, shan-EES or something like that imo.iranda
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Find original pronunciation  ·  Shanice  ·  10/16/2004, 6:54 AM
Re: Find original pronunciation  ·  Miranda  ·  10/16/2004, 2:14 PM