Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Alain is my middle name officially among 5 names, but it has become my "first" name since my childhood...Alain was so popular in the 1950's. And I love it!
Alain is my middle name officially among 5 names, but it has become my "first" name since my childhood...Alain was so popular in the 1950's. And I love it!
Alain is my middle name officially among 5 names, but it has become my "first" name since my childhood...Alain was so popular in the 1950's. And I love it!
Alain is my middle name officially among 5 names, but it has become my "first" name since my childhood...Alain was so popular in the 1950's.
Simple, maybe too soft, but it's an alright name. Anyway, a lot better than Alan. I like this name!
If I ever have a son I would consider this name. It's a bit old-fashioned, short and simple, and it has an English form if anglophones can't pronounce it. I love its similarity to the Scottish Gaelic word 'àlainn' meaning 'lovely'. A perfect name for honouring the languages I speak.
Trust me, living with the name in childhood in modern Britain is torture, people used to bully me over it. Plus I'm far from handsome.
I don't care for Alan in English, but the French name Alain is handsome to me. I wouldn't name an anglophone Alain, though. Too many people would get it wrong, pronouncing it like Elaine.
I met a very kind man with this name when I was in France. I can honestly say that he was the nicest person I've ever met in my life, which is one of the reasons why I think I like this name so much. It's easy to pronounce and charming. From the statistics on this site, the name appears to have fallen off the charts in the most popular names used in France today. However, I found a lot of merchandise while in France for kids (like rulers, stickers, etc.) that had a handful (like maybe twenty or so) names on them, "Alain" being one of them...
I love this name. I know it because of Alain Delon. I'd use it as a first name, but I will probably use it as a middle name for any future children of mine. I'm from the U.S., so imagine what hell my kid would get. I have no problem with the pronunciation even without speaking French. Anyway, I think Alain is very masculine and strong.

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