Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This doesn't even sound like a real name, just a combination of trendy sounds. It also sounds like the babbling that babies make when they first start speaking.
I agree there may be some teasing with this name.
I prefer it pronounced as it should be, which is uh lay uh. That is how it is spelled so that should be how it's pronounced. This is a very pretty name. It is very similar to Alayla. I know a girl named Alayla and she never has been made fun of for her name. So if nobody would make fun of Alayla then why would they make fun of Alaya?
Yes, it may sound made up, but I like it.
Alayah on The Bachelor pretty much ruined this name.
Not diggin it.
It sounds beautiful.
Hmmm, it’s okay, but it does sound a bit made up.
Alaya is pretty.
Not a fan!
Okay, but sounds made up and somewhat trashy for some reason.
I'm not sure how I feel about this name. I had it on my baby name list but I feel that she might get teased (I know how kids can be on the playground "lay ya".

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