Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Amir is an awesome name. In Hebrew Amir connotes the top most branches and leaves of the tree. As long as the "Amir" remains the tree will grow upwards. The name Amir symbolizes the ideal person who strives upwards to reach the Almighty and encourage others to do the same.
In Arabic, it's pronounced a-meer, where the 'a' is short like in 'and', while the 'meer' part is the first person pronoun "me" followed by an 'r'. Pronunciations differ a bit in other languages.Initially, it derives from the Arabic root أَمَرَ (a-ma-ra, "he commanded/ordered"). Thus, it meant "commander". Sometime later, it was used more specifically for someone who commands and rules over a state, therefore it came to mean "prince". "United Arabian Emirates" translates to "United Arabian Principalities".The word "admiral", found in many European languages, eventually derives from this.
In Persian the meaning of the name Amir is A part that have negative effects (A gives the word negative meaning) and MIR part means die, dead, dying.
That makes the name mean undying, immortal.
1. Amir is a reminder of "amir al-mo'menin" which means "belivers' leader" and was a general name for all Mouslems' leaders. Shi'es like it more than Sunnis and refer by it to "Amir al-mo'menin Imam Ali" (peace be upon him), the first Imam for Shi'es and the fourth khalifa for Sunnis.
2. Adding another name after Amir is quite common, e. g. Amir Ali, Amir Hossein, Amir Hassan, Amir Reza, Amir Mohammad, Amir Mahmud, and Amir Abbas (the last prime minister of the ex-Shah of Iran).
Amir (pronounced Aah-mhir or A-meer) may have originated from the Hindi (rather Persian) word Ameer, meaning 'wealthy'.

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