Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Angelika is one of those names that I guess don't really match my overall style as well, yet I like them. I'm Polish, and here it's very much a late millennial-early gen Z name, widely perceived as modern and due to its unconventional spelling as for Polish standards, often also seen as pretentious or some other things along those lines. I totally see why it's perceived the way it is, which is why I would never use it for a kid, but it doesn't stop me from liking the name. Maybe it's simply because I know quite a few cool Angelikas, or because I'm into names overall, not just from my own culture, so I know that in many other places Angelica is actually fairly classic. It makes me think of someone who has a rather sweet, angelic disposition, is very altruistic and lacks assertively a bit, as well as someone who is quite artistically inclined and a huge dreamer. I'm not sure which spelling I prefer, Angelica or Angelika, I like both but each conveys a bit of a different image for me. I definitely dislike the nickname Angie though.
Much better than Angelica.
Angelika is so pretty and unique! I prefer this spelling to Angelica. :)
I actually much prefer this spelling to Angelica. Maybe because I'm a fan of more unique names that aren't 'creative' (in the bad way).

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