Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I prefer the Bailey spelling solely off of looks. Bailee isn’t horrible, but I just love how Bailey looks. Baelee, Baeleigh, Baeley, Baeli, Baelie, Baely, Baileigh, Baili, Bailie, Baily, Baylee, Bayleigh, Bayley, Bayli, and Baylie are all no’s from me, however.
My name is Bailee (spelt Bailee) and I really like my name!
I think that is is a very feminine and unique version of the more traditional name Bailey.
My mother wanted my name to be unique and so she called me Bailee after a student she taught who is now a digital technologies teacher at my local intermediate. My name is commonly misspelt but I believe that any name can be misspelled.I hope I have given you a new perspective of the name Bailee.
My name is Bailee and I find it beautiful, lmao. I'm 20, mind you.
Your baby will grow up, please spell it Bailey. Or, better yet, try not to give her a "profession" name. What is the significance of a bailiff to you?
Even more immature than Kaylee, Kailee, Kailey Kaelie, etc.
I don't like this name. When I was 12 I was obsessed with the girl names Ashlyn, Jasmine, Jayla, and Bailey. The only names I like from that list now are Ashlyn and Jasmine.
Bailee is an awful name, at least use Bailey.
Very immature and tryndee. Bailee sounds more fitting on little girls rather than grown, professional women. Do people not realize their kids will age?
This is my favorite spelling of Bailey! It's so cute, unique, and girly!
My sister's best friend has this name and I think it is so cute! I actually really like the name and may use it one day, just spelled Bailey instead. I love it though!
If I were to use a name that has multiple different spellings I would use the most common one. If you use the most common one you don't have to worry about people misspelling your name (as much).
I really don't like Bailee, this spelling looks wrong. I hate Ashlee spelled that way also, and Rylee, so it doesn't just apply to this name. Anyways, this is a mispelled surname. The whole use of this name came from the surname.
I like this spelling and Baelee on a girl and Bayley/Bailey/Baylee on a boy.
The spelling looks best kept as Bailey.
I LOVE THIS NAME. It is a wonderful name and is much more feminine than Bailey. :)
In this world of tough competition, classism, and sexism, having this name, and spelled like this, will surely lead the women with this name to have some credibility problems, especially if they want to achieve a lot in life and be in high positions. The spelling looks too girly, and it gives the impression of immaturity. Besides, a boyish name is not going to sound great on a woman.
An awful name to curse a child with, boy or girl. This is a surname not a christen name.
Bit too much like the alcoholic drink for my liking.

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