Comments (Personal Impression Only)

You know? It’s actually kind of growing on me. It’s not a bad name, in my opinion.
I think this name is pretty and cute. I like that it's unique. I could see it becoming popular again.
One word, ugly.
I named my daughter Bernice. Bur-niece is how we pronounce it. I named her after my grandmother Bernice, but she preferred to be called Niecy. We get a lot of compliments on the name. It’s kind of old fashioned and southern-ish so I gave her a “normal” middle name in case she wants to be called by that later on. My grandmother was a beautiful, strong woman and I hope she grows up like her namesake.
I love this name. It's really pretty.
I learned about this name from a joke in a TV show. I think it's quite pretty."Look, Bernice! That cat just flung a wig at us."
I rate Bernice 3/10. It seems a typo as I've always seen Berenice and Bérénice. Also the pronunciation is different: in Bernice there is the syllable 'ber' while in the English pronunciation of Berenice I "read" the second e.
One word. Ugly.
Oh no, this name is not nice at all. If it were my name, I’d change it.
One of my favorite types of names are old-fashioned names. Names like Florence, Audrey, Veronica, Mary, Martha, Margaret, Iris, Mae, etc. Bernice is VERY pretty. I don't think I'd ever give my daughter this name nowadays, but maybe 70-80 years ago, I definitely would.
I really love this site, but the meaning of the name would be appreciated. I think it means victorious. My mother's name is Bernice, she never liked her name. It is a sweet name, of a lovely and kind lady.
When I was younger, Bernice was my least favorite name. I still don't like the name Bernice much because I just can't picture a little girl or a teenager with this name. I just don't think it is very pretty.
I have an aunt whose middle name is Bernice, pronounced Bur-niece. She was often called Neece, pronounced Knee-see. She wasn't overly fond of the nickname, but everyone called her that. My view is most people don't like their nicknames when they are young but begin to enjoy them when they get older. My aunt grew up in the fifties and though we are from southern origins she is neither stupid nor do I think the name ugly. It is old fashioned, but I tend to stick to old fashioned anyway. Anything is better than some of the ridiculous names they have nowadays.
Secretly in love with this name. EECE could be a nickname. Or Bernie. Or B. Or Bee or Bea.
I love this name! It has a certain sturdy, antiqued sophistication but is also rather light and airy, in my opinion - sort of like a tea-dyed lace doily :) It would be incredibly refreshing to meet a young Bernice these days.
It's old fashioned, but more feminine than many names currently given to girls. It's cute, and I wouldn't hesitate to bestow it on a modern girl [She'd be the only one in school with a pronouncable name].
It's hideous. It makes me think of rather dimwitted old women. This name can sound very annoying in certain people's pronunciation, especially with a Southern drawl, but gheto speech will do for the annoyance as well. Old-fashioned and ugly.
This could be the name of a ditzy country girl in some story that takes place in the 1950s. The name sounds quite ugly.
I have a friend called Bernice. I can't really say her name without going: 'Berrrr-neeeece' in a sort of country accent. Sorry, but it sounds very simple and farmer's-wife-ey.
This is a terrible name.
A pretty name, especially for a little girl or teenager. Basically, this name is good for all ages.

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