Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Heavens to Betsy! This name is a darling name!
My name is Betsy. I was named Betsy Jean. My mother Gloria Jean. I guess I have been ok with my name. I love it when I’m called Bets or Aunt Bet by my nieces. Never an Elizabeth however I did name my daughter Mary Elizabeth.
My name is Betsy.. Betsy (NEVEDA) NA'VED' A)) NOT NEEVEEDA SOUND BUT NAE with veda' not vee but nàveda. I have come to love my name over the last few years. I thought if everybody loves this name then it's got to be beautiful! Everybody has always said that Neveda goes good with Betsy. I've never met somebody that saud it wasn't pretty; and growing up when I'd hear Nevada, I knew I was in trouble. My son, 21, calls me by my middle name all the time instead of Mom or Mother. So I named my daughter Mariah Nevada. She's got Lilly Nevada and Mother Linda Nevada. I think it's pretty cool so I just thought I'd throw that out there. But nobody names their kid Betsy no more. I think it said that last year 124 people got that name and I've only heard of one person that has Nevada. But good luck finding it in the dictionary. I'm a pretty rare soul as everyone says so. I think a rare name like mine is very fitting and besides, I love being old-fashioned. We need more of it in this day and time. I wish my name had been spelled Betcee or Betsie, though I think I would've liked it much sooner.
As a Betsy myself: I want to report that being born in the same era as the Betsy Wetsy doll did nothing towards insuring a smooth sailing childhood.
There aren't many old fashion names that I like, but I think Betsy is okay.
This a nice nickname for Elizabeth, though old-fashioned, it might still work today.
I like this name, it looks good and sounds more mature than similar looking Betty! Sweet name, Betsy! Good!
It's sweet nickname Bet.
Being old-fashioned isn't a bad thing. Doesn't change the fact, it's a good name.
I actually like it- cool.
This is my name. My parents called me Elizabeth, though. They wanted me to be able to switch from Betsy to Elizabeth when I was older. I didn't used to like my name. Now I love it, though. It grew on me. As said above, people often confuse it with Betty or Becky. My sister used to call me Becky (spelt Beccy) when she was young and we made up a whole club about it, hence the username.
Betsy is a name of greatness!
I love the name Betsy. It's vintage, simple and sweet. I named my daughter Elizabeth but she goes by Betsy, Lilybets or Bets. I almost don't want to "give away" my nicknames since they're so original and I love that she won't be one of five Betsy's in her class. Every name can have a negative reference if you're looking for it... like the cow. But that's actually Bessie and Elsie. The name Elsie is coming back too! It's just so adorable and spunky.
Seriously the name is soooo cute and nice.
I've been called Betsy since I was a week old (my real name is Elizabeth), and I've always liked it. I don't know any other Betsys (old or otherwise), so I feel that it's more unique than nicknames like Liz or Beth. And yes, I do find it insulting when people call my name "soppy" or say they associate it with cows. Fortunately I've never gotten such comments in real life.The only problem I've had with this name is that because it's so uncommon nowadays, many people don't know it's a nickname, and when they find out my real name is Elizabeth they get very surprised and say, "Wait, where does 'Betsy' come from? Is that your middle name?"
The name Betsy is so vintage, cute and pretty! :)
I am a 5th generation Betsy. The first two were Elizabeth. I have been called a brown cow. Not particularly flattering, but there are worse things to be associated with.
If someone wants to name their daughter BETSY, I don't see that as a problem. Many of the names people now considered proper started out as diminutives/nicknames. For example, many names are derived from Elisheba, Hecate, Margarita, etc. Some people are put off by how long Elizabeth is (4 syllables!) and they pick Elise, Lisa, Lilian, Lisbet, Beth, Betsy instead, it's quite normal. At least Betsy sounds nice and it rolls off the tongue.
Used as a name or as a nickname, "Betsy" definitely sounds better than "Betty." It's also more endearing than Betty. It's also not that popular, which is great, a "Betsy" is not likely to share this name with anyone else in a classroom, job, or recreational setting. Not everyone wants to go by a super popular name - Emma, Amy, Isabella/Bella, Madison, Mckenzie, Olivia, etc - and be the 3rd or 4th person in a crowd with that exact name. I gotta say I love "Betsy," it's upbeat and fun, easy to pronounce, and it can be memorable - people usually remember the 'Betsy' they met somewhere.
I love this name. I haven't seen any Betsy's by the time I posted this comment. I don't see why some people prefer a much longer form such as Beatrice or Elizabeth over this name. I will still use this name on its own instead of it being a nickname. To me, Betsy is a very cute and sweet name. It looks cute on a young girl and sweet on an old lady. Overall, Betsy is a very lovely name to me. If I ever have a daughter, her name will be Betsy.
Despite all the annoying girls I've met with this name, I like it. If it wasn't for the encounters I've had with other Betsy's then I would've probably named my future daughter Betsy.
I don't understand how others prefer Elizabeth where it's so overused and unoriginal that it makes me want to gag. I can honestly say I like this name and I will continue to hold my ground to defend it.
It's cute and easy to pronounce whereas Elizabeth has one too many syllables for my taste.
The name Betsy was given to 137 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Betsy is damn sweet. An alternate spelling is Betsey, which I prefer.
It's my mom's name. I think it's cute, even though she HATES it.
I'm very surprised to see all the negative comments about Betsy! I think it's a sweet name and a good nickname for Elizabeth. Refreshing too with so many Liz's out there.
This is one of my best friend's names. Well, it's her nickname for Elizabeth, but Betsy is what everyone calls her. She liked it all through elementary school, then she started to hate it around middle school and tried to get teachers to call her Elizabeth, but then in high school she seemed to like it again and didn't insist on being Elizabeth. I've known her since I was about 5, so I never thought of this name as really old-fashioned or anything. I picture most people with this name as nice and sweet, whether they're old ladies or little kids.
This is one of one of my best friends. (We're 13.) At first, this name was hard for me to use because it sounded so "old-lady", but after I got used to it I have come to love the way it sounds. Oh, and she spells it Betsie. Ha, everyone tries to spell and say it Bestie. I love this name, although I probably wouldn't use it on my child. Oh, and I like it better than Betty, when you say Betty too fast in the wrong dialect is sounds like "Bitty". Ew.
I used to think this name was prissy and immature until I went to college and met a girl with it. She is sweet and outgoing, and always has a smile on her face. Now I think of it as a great name, vivacious and cheerful.
Really old ladyish and ugly.
Definitely among the worst nicknames there are for Elizabeth. Even Betty is better. The only nicknames I really like for Elizabeth are Liz and Elsie, the rest of them are quite awful. I hope people don't start naming their kids this again instead of going for Elizabeth.
I like this much better than Betty.
I used to hate the name but there was a girl in my sixth grade social studies class who convinced me it was a sweet name. It suited her well.
Betsy isn't my favorite name, but I highly prefer Betty.
When I think of Betsy, I think of a cow.
I really don't like the name Betsy. It makes me think of someone from the start of the 20th century, wearing a little frilly apron and cap serving cream teas!
I think Betsy is kind of soppy and unrealistic. If you really have to name your daughter this, please make it Elizabeth so she doesn't have to be Betsy when she is 30.
This is my name. I used to hate it, but now i like it because it's unique. It is often confused with Betty, Bessy or Becky, though.

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