Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Beavis and Butthead was a show in the 1990's and not one I watched. It may have been popular at a time, but it hasn't aired recently to my knowlege (apparently a more sympathetic character did get her own spinoff, but the original titular characters have apparently had their roles significantly reduced).
Either way, I question if many Gen Z or Gen Alpha people will know what Beavis and Butthead was or is. So this name will eventually be organically rescued.
I personally think it sounds nice and it doesn't make me think of Beavis and Butt-head. I wouldn't name a child this, but I'd pick it as a last name for me, if I change mine. I wonder if it has any other negative associations, because the look and the sound of the name is very appealing to me.
Sounds like the name of a 60s gay man who has long hair, wears a neckerchief, and worships Judy Garland and Mae West.
In Swedish, this word means "proof" or "evidence".
Ummm. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha. NO. Grew up with that dumb show, please don't go there. And I agree with the person who said "maybe in a couple hundred years it'll be a great name again. Maybe." Besides 'Beavis and Butthead', it's kind of a dumb name.

No offense to those who bears this name (You know, before that show came around).
Who would want to be named after Beavis and Butt-head? I sure wouldn't!
Reasons to name your child Bevis:1. You are the #1 fan of the show Beavis and Butt-head, and your first-born already bares the name "Butt-head" in its honor.2. It was a dare.3. There really shouldn't be reasons to be named Bevis because of the idiotic nature the show created for the name.I'm sure years before the show came out, the name was great, but now it's a bomb. Maybe in a couple (hundred) generations, the show will be forgotton and it will be a good name again. Just maybe.
When you think of Bevis you think of the cartoon Beavis and Butthead. Not a nice name to call your child I don't think.

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