Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Oh man, this name is so silly! However, it is a cute name! I would not use it but, I do like it, because I love Bilbo's character in The Hobbit! HMMM, I think that Belladonna and Bungo have selected the right name for their son!
How interesting...this name is not bad, but only because I'm a Tolkien fan. I can only imagine this name on a little boy, so even though it does not age well, it's not half bad! If people are seriously using names like these, then that's fine with me.
Is it a name? Well anyways, I find the sound of it kinda silly but I love that because it reminds that Bilbo Baggins IS kind of funny and silly like the name.
If I heard this on a kid, I'd probably assume the parents were hardcore Tolkien fans. I think it sounds kinda silly on a real person.
Like people have said before; this is not a baby name site but a name site. Some names on this site are clearly not meant to be given to kids but are just on the site to explain the meaning.
I use Bilbo like dumbass or silly because it sounds so funny and I love the character Bilbo in LotR so it's not meant to be offensive.
No matter how much of a fan you are of Lord of The Rings, it really would be unwise to name your child this - imagaine the tormet and bullying that would take place!
This name sounds too much like Dildo.

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