Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It would be cute for a golden retriever.
As someone with natural blonde hair, I have to say, I really hate this name.
It's okay, better on a boy as a nickname for Blondell.
This is a nickname used towards dumb blondes so why would you use it as a name? Also who knows, Blondie might not be a blonde after all.
I don't like this as a name. Maybe a Nickname?
I'm a natural blonde. Throughout my childhood people called me "Blondie" as a nickname. As a child this was all about "dumb blonde" jokes. I didn't like it when people made fun of my hair color.
Blondes are dumb enough as it is. Don’t do this.
Okay for a dog, but on a human? Heck no.
Dumb name.
Good name for a 50 year old red neck.
I think it's dumb to name your child after a hair colour, especially this! Imagine how much your child will be teased in school. Not only that, but once when the child turns 50 the name is no longer cool.
I think it might be used as nickname, but not as a name for your child.
This name is great for anyone of any hair colour. In my preference this name probably would be better as a surname or a nickname instead of actually having it as your name.
I think this is a really ridiculous name. It makes me think of a very stereotypical fake and blonde American girl. I'd really suggest you to think of another name for your child.
I am blond myself, and I think this would be a pretty stupid thing to call your child, even as a nickname. I don't see why you would name your kid after their hair color. Blondie reminds me of all those "dumb blonde" jokes that people make about blonde women. Yet I'm a guy, and Blondie would look even worse on a guy.
I'm blonde, nicknamed Blondie, and get many "dumb blonde" jokes (which, by the way, are retarded, pointless jokes that don't make sense, don't hurt my feelings, and are made up by those who put everybody into groups and are wicked stereotypes). Never will my daughter be named this. Only as a nickname. Sorry, but blondes are awesome, and I feel the need to stick up for them.
This name sounds really stupid and ditzy. This will lead to many blonde jokes. And "Blondie" might dye her hair another color when she gets older.
It sounds like a cute nickname for a little blond girl, but for anyone over the age of 9 it sounds weird.
I get called this enough as a nickname. If you really love this name, make sure your kid isn't really blonde. Because if they are, you can call them it anyways.
One of the most embarrassing, tackiest, most infantile names you could pick for a daughter. This is something people call blonde women who they either find dumb or just want to be nasty towards.
I think it would be awesome to be named Blondie and not have blonde hair because it would be so unusual and interesting. If their hair color is blonde, people will stereotype them as a dumb blonde. I would never use this name because I don't think it would sound very good for a middle aged person.
I knew of an Asian girl named Blondie. It was actually quite cute - albeit strange - on her.
Okay if you name your child this and it turns out she doesn't have blonde hair heck I feel for you. And unless you want your kid to get picked on like people calling her a dumb blonde don't name your kid this and do them a favor.
I wouldn't name my kids this. It sounds weird, and people will stereotype her as a dumb blonde.
My nickname is Blondie but I would hate it as a first name!
It would terrible if your child's hair turned color from what you thought was blonde when she was born. It defeats the whole purpose!

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