Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It makes me think of a dude who loves partying at the beach with his friends and gets all the babes but is an a**hole to almost everyone of the same gender he comes across and pushes them into lockers calling them losers.
Honestly reminds me of a jock in high school that's a jerk and has a bunch of girlfriends ๐Ÿ˜‚.
Brad, more like bread! EW, PLAIN IDIOTIC!
I like my name.I also find it interesting how some of the people saying that it's a douchebag name are leaving rude comments about it, which in turn makes THEM the douchebag. I'm actually not obnoxious in person, nor a "frat boy". I'm an introvert. I literally don't mess with a single person. People mess with me because I'm quiet. I see others as being douchebags at times.I'm actually quite generous.
Would rather use for like a nickname for Bradley (I wouldn't ever use Bradford) or even Brayden (which I hate) wouldn't use this on its own.
Iโ€™m not a big fan of it.
Not a fan of this ultimate frat-boy name. I also dislike the longer name Bradley. I'm glad that Brad/Bradley doesn't seem popular anymore.
Too bad you all feel you have to judge a name like you do. Condemning someone on a name just shows your shallowness and education. I'm proud of my name, meaning a vast meadow.
Total 90s-00s jock name.
Brad has kind of felt too blunt and unimaginative to me, but I do like the longer versions such as Bradley and Bradford.
Love it on its own and would definitely use it. If I used it as a nickname, it would be for Bradford.
I really like the sound of the name Brad. I like it a lot as a nickname for the name Bradley. :)
Like it as a Nickname for Bradley, on it's own it's ok I guess.
I associate this name with dumb jocks rather than Brad Pitt.
I love the name Brad but whenever I say it people are like "Brad Pitt?"
I think Brad is the male eqivalent to Sarah, completely over-used.

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