Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Bradley is a MANLY, TOUGH name for MEN with ABS, not for WIMPS!
I like the name Bradley for a male rp character.
Very classy and overall refreshing.
I think that this name is very handsome, personally.
Very unattractive.
Husband's name is Bradley and I’ve always loved it. I never thought of it as a girl's name but I love that just as much. How cute! Every Brad I’ve ever met was handsome. Beside the goat I met once named Bradley, it was just a goat, lol. My Brad is in his mid 50’s and he is kind, loving, loyal, handsome, funny, charming and all around a great guy. Love my Bradley!
Average name, although I know 3 Bradley's and they are all good looking fellas, also Brad Pitt and Bradley Cooper. I've never met a funny looking or ugly Bradley.
I don't really like it that much. It's even worse on a girl.
Bradley is a very cool and masculine name. It sounds courageous, a little edgy and quite badass, yet still gentle.
In comparison to the nickname "Brad", Bradley sounds sweeter and more of a nice guy while Brad sounds more bad boy-ish to me.
I'm 32 weeks pregnant and I'm having a little girl. We are naming her Bradlee Ann. We love it, regardless of what people think and like. That's all that matters.
My dad's name is Brad. He's a pretty cool guy that isn't afraid of anything.
The name is really nice, my little brother is named Bradley and he likes his name too! :)
Fairly uncommon, but still quite popular, sort of new and refreshing.
Bradley is a decidedly masculine name. I don't see it on a woman because the "Brad" part of the name is masculine and the "ley" part if the name is neutral. But if you are going to give the nickname Brad then just name him Brad. I have a cousin Bradley who has always gone by Bradley not Brad. It has never been an issue for him. No one ever called him Brad and he is in his 50's.
I love the name Bradley and who ever doesn't like it is wrong. It's cool and it sounds better than Brad but also I love Bradley Cooper too cause he is talented and sexy:) Anyway the name is strong and cool. And it's a boy's name not a girl's name, because that's weird.
My daughter's name is Bradley Elizabeth. She loves it. It was her dad's idea, he would watch Nickleodeon's Hey Dude show with my our son when I pregnant. One of the characters in the show was a teenaged girl named Bradley and my husband thought it was adorable. I added the Elizabeth to give her as many name choices as possible in case she hated Bradley. I came up with I think 22 nicknames you can get from Elizabeth. We thought Bradley Elizabeth Fletcher sounded like an accomplished author or something, haha. That was in 1991. She loves her name, for awhile she spelled it Bradlea, but I remember a lot of girls go through a stage of changing their name spelling around. She decided to just stick with her original spelling and embrace it. I did always think boy names for girls were cute and even sexy. In a nice way.
My mom's dad's mom's name was Eleanor Bradley and I am named after her but I go by Bradley. I did not at first like the name and I wanted to be called Eleanor but now I love it. It contains a lot of personality and it is a great fit for me since I am very athletic and lots of people consider me a tomboy. I think it is a great name for both boys and girls but because it is my name and I am a girl I think it is mostly a girl's name.
My name is Brad. And just Brad. My birth certificate says Brad. My mom told me they just named me Brad because everyone would just call me Brad anyway so why even use anything other than just Brad? I love my parents for it. Bradley is just feminine and sucks. I am the only one I have ever met just named Brad legally. Any Brad I've met is legally Bradley. It's very unique and I always have liked it.
I love the name Bradley for a guy! You can't go wrong with the awesome nickname Brad. :D ♥.
I like this name and all, but has anyone thought that this could possibly be the name of a criminal or something? I mean, not everyone with this name is bad but listening to this name makes me think of that mysterious kid who sits by himself at the back of the classrooms who grows up into the next big criminal. But like I said, I don't hate this name or think that all Bradley's are like this. In fact, I really consider naming my kid this but whenever I hear the name I think of a criminal or a depressed, lonely kid.
No offense but "Bradley" seriously sounds like a company name more than anything. "Made by The Bradley Brothers" ©™Brad on its own is fine. Bradley also is just WAY too whimpy & whiney.
My name is Bradley and I am a strong, beautiful (often called "sexy") successful WOMAN. I used to despise my name, but now that I have grown and am secure in who I am, I love my name and many others find it wonderful as well. I have yet to meet another female named Bradley- and although I love it for myself, I would never recommend such a name for a baby girl.
Wait, people have actually named their DAUGHTER Bradley?! I've lost all faith in humanity.
I like this name. Unfortunately Brad is also my ex boyfriend's name, so I'll never name my kid Brad. Same goes for names of terrible bosses and other people I'd be happy to never see again. I'm sure you have a "Do NOT Use This Baby Name" list too.
Bradley is a boys name. As a girls name, that's just horrible. I think the name Bradley sounds like a very caring person but definitely a boys name.
Despite being the first name of my one cousins I always think of this as a surname (it was my mother's (and my cousin's mother's) maiden name). As a surname it is great but I think it should not be used as a first name, it would be good for a middle name though.
I'm not generally too fond of names ending in -ley or -ly, but Bradley doesn't sound as immature and cutesy as most of those names. The name actually suits grown-ups, which is important. The name is neither trashy nor elistist and snobby, and it's a very safe choice, as it's likely to suit many types of guys, except the fat ones, sorry. Actually, the name sounds like the name of rather good-looking guys, and I'm not saying this because of Brad Pitt, as I find his looks HIGHLY overrated. On the other hand, the name is quite a dull, unimaginative choice, and it's overused. It doesn't make me think of particularly bright guys either, even though the worst types of jerks don't come to mind when hearing or seeing the name.
Bradley is a very ugly name, for a boy and especially a girl.
Oh I think this name is so handsome!
I argee with CharlieRob. This name is way too manly and handsome to be a girl's name.
Bradley is WAAAAAAAAAAY too boyish to be a girl's name.
It's funny how popular perception changes over time. Years ago girls with names like Harley, Riley or Bradley would've been mocked for having boys' names, but nowdays it seems it's the other way round - boys with those names are considered to have 'girly' names.
Ugh I hate the name Bradley. Horrible name. It doesn't sound like a man's name. And it doesn't look like a man's name either. I know about 5 Bradleys (spelled many different ways - Bradlee, Bradleigh, Bradleeh, and Bradley). I think that when you spell "Bradley" either Bradleigh, Bradlee, or Bradleeh it looks even more girly.
It's tragic how many masculine names like Bradley are being used for girls these days. This is a good, strong, very masculine name and sounds great shortened to Brad!
Bradley is a very masculine sounding name, also sounds handsome. Bradford is also another good name.
Bradley is the male equivalent of Janet in the Rocky Horror (Picture) Show, wimpish suburbia personified. Interesting that other comment-leavers don't see it that way!
I also find the name Bradley wimpish. I have seen a couple of girls named Bradley but one spelled it Bradlee and the other Bradleigh. I don't like Bradley for a girl.
Wimpish? You've got to be joking me! The only Bradley I know is a very strong and brave man. Personally, I like the ring of this name.
This name belongs to my boyfriend. I find Bradley to be a fantastic name. Bradley's rock!

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