Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I don’t understand the hate for this name. I like it because it sounds like crystal but softer. I’m assuming people just associate it with Sarah Palin and her daughter who was a teen mother.
WAY better as a surname. Not a fan of it for a first name at all especially for a girl.
My first name is Bristol and I hate it so I can see the hatred towards the name. I was literally named after the Bristol Motor Speedway in TN. It's a horrible name which is why I've decided to take on the name Madison. I just thought it'd be nice to vent about how horrible and harsh and 'non-feminine' this name sounds. Praying for all the souls named Bristol.
Bristol the pistol.
I grew up in Bristol, Tennessee and have always loved the idea of naming my child this. Some people think it is too harsh but it holds nostalgia for me and I've always thought it as very beautiful.
Sounds like "pistol".
It sounds very harsh to me and reminds me of the word "pistol" so I associate it with violence. This is not used in the UK so having to travel to the UK or Europe in general with that name wouldn't be fun, people would find it very odd.
I think it is much prettier when spelled Bristal with an a. It gives me sea/ocean vibes and very modern and cute.
Bristol is a terrible, harsh sounding name. It is also unbelievably hideous and trashy. Who wants their name to be associated with Bristol Palin (Meyer) anyway? I certainly wouldn't.
My son turned 20 in August. We named him Bristol Elan because it was unique and we had never heard of a person by this name. When the Palin's came into public view years back, I was floored to hear a daughter called Bristol because I always associated it with being masculine. Apart from the Palin daughter and my son, I've never known another person by this name. I named my other two children, both females: Tavia and Abrina Kaith. All of my kids are grown, love their names and have been complimented throughout their lives.
Wow! There is quite a lot of hate for this name! I actually think it sounds nice, though I wouldn't name my son or daughter this.
This is an actual name? This is hideous and harsh sounding.
It's a place name that doesn't work as a given name, and besides, Bristol Palin is a terrible namesake for a child.
Hideous, hideous name. When I think of Bristol, I think of the disgusting city in England and of the Bristol Speedway in Tennessee. Why on earth would anyone think naming their son, much less their daughter this is a good idea? You're basically naming your child 'Titty'.
Bristol is another word for angry. Or related to itAwful name.
Funny now this name is singularly listed as masculine but yet its only usage is in modern day and for females. Oh, America...
This is going to be my first girl's name
Full name
Bristol Aspen
First Middle
Actually, Bristol sounds more like Preston. Also, it's not as rare as I thought. The only Bristol I ever heard of was Bristol Palin but I guess they exist, since it's ranked in the Top 500. We do have a supermarket chain called Bristol Farms in California.Nasty sounding name, though. I hate the "sto" part.
A good name for a heavy-set, hairy, balding man.
Let's talk English cities for a sec:
Liverpool? Plymouth? Manchester? Birmingham? Newcastle? Leeds? Norwich? Dover? Portsmouth? Coventry? Chester? - oh, wait.
London? - oh, not again.
Bristol? - dammit!
Blackpool? - no... thankfully! (I'm so sorry, but it's got a 'reputation' not as a name, but as a city in general.)
Stoke-on-Trent? - Let's hope not.Liverpool wouldn't make a bad name, and I SUPPOSE Bristol is alright. Some city names work better than others. London and Chester are both nice cities. Just keep little Bristol out of Bristol and his/her (should be his, really) life should run smoothly enough.I don't mean to offend any Bristols out there. It's an OK city. I'm just saying that this name is gonna sound very weird in Bristol itself. But maybe I'm a hypocrite; I love the name Denver for boys and girls and that will probably look weird to Coloradoans.
Ahhhhhh Anon! I laughed out loud at your comment! Why would Liverpool make an ok name? The first half is Liver and the last half is pool, which are both pretty negative in my opinion and also L'pool is chavvy as all hell. I suppose Liv would be cool. I'm from Bath. I might call my kid Bath just to make myself laugh and strengthen his/her character.
I love this name, but Bristol Palin definitely gives it a negative vibe. Maybe in 10 years or so she will be somewhat forgotten and it won't have a stigma attached?
It's really pretty. =)
Sounds like "bristle". Makes me think of Sarah Palin, ick.
Bristol is a great city, vibrant, young and fun - but honestly, what is the American vogue for naming their children after foreign cities? Hi my name's Ipswich Smith, Swindon Jones, Wolverhampton Browne. Actually I quite like that one.
This name makes me cringe. Choosing it would be a great way of advertising to the world that you have never actually been to England.
Oh, no. All I can think of is Bristol Palin. Ick, ick, ick.
I think this name could be rugged and handsome for a male and sophisticated and edgy for a female. It is very uncommon, which I like.
Great name - if you want to be associated with the pregnant teen daughter of a governor.
A horrible, harsh sounding name. And it's named after one of the dirtiest cities in England. In England a kid named Bristol would be mocked but I don't know about in America. It just sounds really weird to me.
This name is so unique and gorgeous. I plan to spell it Bristoll, though. I have a thing for double letters.
If you name your son this, don't move to England. Don't move to Ireland or Scotland either. It will sound very strange in those countries. But you know, it sounds weird in America too. It sounds weird everywhere. It's probably how it sounds like a bastardization of Crystal.
Bristol feels harsh and ugly to me. And it's a town, a town in England. Best left at that.
An appropriate name for a toothbrush.
I think this would be an appropriate name for a sophisticated, pretty woman.

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