Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Bright middle name, and fair for a first name.
I know a Britta, and I think it's lovely! It did initially make me think of the water filter, but the thought didn't stick after I got to know her. Anyway, this name is very cute and very sweet in my opinion. ^-^
Very, very dated in Sweden. It's not pretty at all.
Britta is a cute and happy name.
The meaning of this name is not water filter. They just used the freaking name! So let's say we can't use Lily because it's a flower or Aurora because she's a Disney princess. Anyway I love this name.
This name is pretty. It's not to be confused with Brita, though. It is much less popular than Brittany and would make a great alternative to this name. By the way, there is a Britta who goes to my school and she is very nice. So that's why I like this name.
Sounds like the word "brittle". Which hasn't the greatest meaning.
This name would be perfect if it weren't for Brita water filters! I think I might use it anyway.
Brita, with one t is a type of water purifier. Be careful with the spelling! One way it's a nice name, the other, your daughter's a brand of water filter!

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