Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is so ugly.
I love the song "We don't talk about Bruno". The 2 things that come to mind when I think of this name are the song and Bruno Mars. This name is cool!
This name is good but when everyone hear this name they will be like; WE DON'T TALK ABOUT BRUNONONONONONO.
Bruno is my cat's name. It suits him well as he's a distinguished gentleman of a tuxedo cat. He's not named after Bruno Mars or the Disney character, but it's a perfect name for him. Bruno gives very strong and gentlemanly energy.
It's a cool, strong and handsome name 🀩.
Typical pet name. My aunt had a dog named Bruno.
Bruno honestly sounds like a good cat name.
It is funny that the previous comment mentions this as a good cat name because my older sister has a black cat that goes by Bruno. Small world isn't it.
Bruno is a great name. Who is Bruno Mars, I've really never heard of him.
Sounds pretty cool on a boy, but it's too associated with Bruno Mars.
Love it! The name of a mature and caring man.
I like it! It sounds cute on a boy, and quite masculine on a man.
Too macho.
I can't say that I really like this name, but
I can't say that I dislike it either. It is okay, just nothing too special without it being offensive.
My cousin’s name is Bruno and he really likes his name. I suppose in light of his positive nature, I tend to see this name with a favorable bias. A good name overall. :)
This name sounds very good from my personal point of view. It is a name that can cross cultures and offers a unique form of variety in a classroom filled with Liams, Noahs, Jacobs and Jaidens. The meaning could also go well for a child who has dark to light brown hair.
Has anyone else noticed that all the Bruno's in these comments are friendly, successful, or something else positive?
My dog's name is Bruno, and he's pretty much the incarnation of kindness.
I am sorry, but when I hear or read Bruno I must always think of the name of a dog, even though I know someone with this name.
I can't help but like this name. Masculine, classic, and there's something rather sensuous about it.
I really hate this name. It makes me think of Bruno Mars, who I also hate. If I could strangle a song it would be his song Grenade. So yeah, I probably won't ever use this name.
Why hate on Bruno Mars? That was rude an unnecessary. Besides, his real name is Peter Hernandez. He adopted the name Bruno after a wrestler.
I would never name my kid Bruno. I associate the name with density and stupidity.
I love this name, but unfortunately I can't use it because of that movie with Sacha Baron Cohen.
My husband's middle name is Bruno. It gives ethnicity to his name. It's a fun and strong middle name. In high school his friends called him Bruno. Kinda unique, huh?
BRUNO is an awesome name! I know this little boy with this name. He's so cute! But anyway, this name is awesome, but it depends on how you think of it as an adult name. Hmmm...

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