Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Cadi. It's not short for anything. It has always been pronounced K.D. I get really annoyed when people pronounce it 'caddie'.
Using the spelling 'Cady' and pronouncing the name Kay-dee, does NOT make it a 'tacky American name'. I am British, and I first discovered the name, years before the "Mean Girls" movie, used in a story written by Anne Frank, entitled 'Cady's Life'. It would probably be a separate and different name from Cadi though. Perhaps the site could start a new name page for Cady.For what it's worth, I like both Cadi and Cady, but Cady better.
Argue about the pronunciation all you want -- in English-speaking countries, well at least in the US, bullies will inevitably end-up associating it with "catty" (spiteful) and/or "caddie" (a person who attends a golfer).
The name is indicated as Welsh, and is pronounced /KAH-dee/ -- not Caddy or Kadie. And Wales IS an English-speaking country!
It is indeed pronounced cah-dee, and is a lovely Welsh sounding name. It's a pity that it's not as common, I know many Catrin's, but only one who goes by Cadi.Also, try to keep in mind, that a Golf Caddy is an English word, and the connection doesn't occur in Welsh speaking communities, where Cadi is used.
Also spelled Cady. I like the "y" spelling better.
You can't spell it Cady, because then it becomes a tacky American name, pronounced Kay-dee. Okay?
Even if it was spelled Cadi I would still still pronounce it like Cady. How else would you pronounce it? 'cah-dee' like 'golf caddie?' Yuk!
You can too pronounce it Cady whether that is the correct pronunciation or not. And Cady (Kay-dee) is cute.

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