Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Cain sounds like a strong name. I like its length, its meaning and the fact that it could easily suit a variety of personalities. I'll admit that the biblical association is pretty dark, but that doesn't have to affect the name as a whole. It's not like the biblical Cain is the only Cain that every existed. There are plenty of kind, goodhearted Cains; and, in contrast, there are many bad people who share names with honorable biblical figures. And there are several people who are not named Cain that have killed their brothers. That's proof that a name does not determine an individual's personality. Overall, I think Cain is a cool name with a unique vibe. And if your name is Cain, don't let anyone tear you down because of one negative Cain that lived some 2,000 years ago. Prove them wrong and show them that there are plenty of good Cains out there.
Sounds cool. The only problem I have with this name is that it's too cool. Also, a better spelling than Kane.
Cain, more like pain.
The biblical side is dark, but so many things are. I love this name sooo much! =D.
It sounds like a name that a rich mom would choose for their kid or an emo trans person would choose for themselves.
Either way, I kinda dig it.
As a formerly-emo trans person... yeah, sounds about right lmao.
Cain is a nice name, though the Biblical association seems really dark which is why I won’t use it. What a shame, I like this name quite a bit.
Cain is a VERY sexy name for a guy! ;)
The first Cain was a murderer.
Sorry this name is awful. Even if you don't think about the Biblical (which are kind of important, seeing as that's where the name originates), it sounds like the name of a pro wrestler... or an old man's cane that he might use to whack little, obnoxious children. If you want a name like Cain, just go with Kane, which sounds the same but has a completely different meaning.
Quite frankly, I don't care about Cain in the Bible. Christianity is detestable. Cain is a cute name.
I like it, and I wonder how strong the Biblical associations are.
I think Cain is a cool, sexy and suave name to use on a boy. Most people, like me, don't really associate names with the bible unless it's something like Jesus.
No one should have this name. The biblical association is horrible and "raising Cain" conjures up a nasty image.
Cain gives people a pretty bad impression. Otherwise, it's a nice name. I think God created more people after he made Adam and Eve, but I'm not sure (obviously).
Aside from the somewhat negative bibical associactions, this name has a very cool sound.
I don't like this name. Where did Cain and Abel's wives come from? I've always wondered this.
It's too bad the Biblical association is kind of negative, because I think this name is really cute otherwise!

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