Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Unlike Adolf, Joseph, Mao or Ivan, who have other namesakes besides the tyrants, the only person with the name Caligula is the tyrannical emperor and the only person anyone will think of. And ‘Little Boot’ as the meaning?
Maybe not good for a person but I think it'd be a nice name for a cat, after all, it just means "Little Boot", which has a very catlike vibe to me.
I don’t like it. The emperor Caligula was a mad tyrant with no redeeming qualities. I wouldn’t even use it for a dog.
I actually love the name in spite of the reputation of the emperor, but it just couldn't work on a person. Could work for a pet, though.
Great name for a Rottweiler (or any other fearsome pet you happen to own), but not for a person.
Just because a psychopathic emperor who had people killed for his entertainment, bragged to men about his rape of their wives, bedded his sisters and pimped them out, paraded his enormous ego, and created general terror and unrest bore this name, that does not mean that someone bearing that name will be like that.Who knows? A Caligula could be a humanitarian. And there's the nickname "Cali"!
I would burst out laughing if anyone named their son this. Caligula was very insane and weird, doing many bizarre things in his life. Besides, this name sounds rather ridiculous.
Now, folks, some of you may think this name just sounds cool, and that people still name their kids Joseph in spite of Stalin. But seriously: how many Caligulas have you heard of during your lifetime? It would immediately remind people of the cruel historical figure. People would think you are mad if you used the name, because the default assumption would be that it's a weird statement. Besides, the name is quite weird-sounding.
Haha, sounds like the name for a pet dog---a German Shephard or Siberian Husky to be exact or more like a big, 'vicious' dog like in that kids movie The Sandlot (the dog's name was Hercules wasnt it? And to me, that sounds better and for a dog like that? Ugh). It's a shame, really. I always felt bad for and liked the nickname Caliggy. Caliggy... *sob*. I doubt anyone would name their child this. I've never met or heard of a bearer of this name other than the former.
This is a hideous name once you look at it and the ones who bore this name. Caligula was a vicious emperor but halfly hilarious (maybe that's because everytime I hear this name I picture an insane, absurdly laughable dictator). Wouldn't recommend this name to anyone in these times, unless you want to be named after an infamous and insane emperor in history and addingly, if you like a name with the last letters rhyming with 'dracula.'
The name does not make the person. (I happen to know someone named Adolfo-doesn't make him Hitler-and how many Josephs are there in the world who don't end up being Russian dictators?) Either way, the history surrounding Caligula's famed devious doings is rather obscure. The only thing bad about this name is its prolonged bad reputation.
Caligula was one of the most messed up people in history. There's more bad history to him than I can remember, but he was supposedly a pedophile, pervert, and participant in incest. Not somebody you want to name your kid after.

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