Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I actually see this as a slight music name! Capriccio is a type of music that is lively and fun in nature. Tchaikovsky's 'Capriccio Italien' is a famous example of this. I feel like someone who names their kid this is just a stuck up (not in a negative nor positive way) music person who doesn't want to name their daughter Aria or Melody.
Ugly name with a terrible meaning. You've gotta either hate your daughter or just not know the meaning of "capricious" to name her this.
Well *I* like the sound of it!
You may like the sound of Capricia, silly_rabbit, but you can't ignore that the name itself derives from a sexist stereotype.
I agree with the above comment, but to me it sounds more like a Victorian era name. Capricia sounds overly frilly and disgusting.
Sounds like a pretentious, over-the-top name constructed from the sexist-sounding Caprice. It's sexist because it's a weird stereotype. That women are capricious, you know. Come on, show your daughter some respect.

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