Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think this name is very captivating and incredibly cute for a girl! I have a friend named Carmella, and I love how unique it is.
It's very dignified and old-school Catholic.
This name is quite awful. The sound of it is just... off. I can't quite explain my hatred for this name. There is just something about it that makes me want to never hear it again. I think it might be because the name sounds awfully similar to caramel; which is something I would never dream to name someone (or something). All and all, I despise this name. Take this from someone who is named Carmella.
My name is Carmella and I love the name.
To me it's a traditional Italian name. I'm of Southern Italian heritage and it was the name of my great great grandmother, one great great aunt who was nicknamed Millie and two great aunts.
Very pretty. And erb816 is right. I'm Italian, I had a great-aunt Carmella, who I called "Aunt Millie."
This is a very weird name, and I do not think in any way that it is cute. It reminds me of caramel, as in the candy!
Cute name!
I think this name has a melodic sound to it. Very pretty.

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