Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think it's so cute and a beautiful name. I like it. :)
Love it except it's too common, so yeah.
A warm, friendly name. I know a lovely Welsh lady called Catherine who always goes by Cassie.
I LOVE the name Cassandra, and this is a cute nickname, but the only downside of this is that it sounds like Sassy Cassie.
Very dated!
Not a fan. Seems dated!
Not a fan. Seems dated!
Cassie is a pretty name! It can be used as a nickname for Cassandra or Cassidy.
Gorgeous! It sounds cowgirl-ish, in a totally cool, sassy way. A good nickname is Cass, and a good middle name is Luna. Cassie Luna. If I were to name a child this, I would call her Cassie, but her given name would be Casandra or Katherine. A good middle name for either of those is Isabella.
This name sounds childish and tacky, and it's just too 'nicknamey' for my taste.
Cassie is my name. But some of my friends call me Cas. But I am mostly called Cassie. I like it. And sometimes I hate it. Sometimes I think it sounds a bit posh. I don't know. I would prefer to be called Lucy.
While my full name is Cassandra, the majority of my family members and friends call me "Cassie". I spent years disliking the name as a child for teasing-related reasons (a mean boy in grade school once came up with the limerick "Cassie's ass-y's really gassy" and would tease me with it incessantly... and don't even get me started on trying to introduce myself in pig-Latin!). I finally grew to like the name after experiencing some much-needed disassociation while watching a one-season-wonder show called "The Secret Circle" on The CW. The show's main protagonist's name is Cassie, and the way all of the characters in the show say her name— particularly the boyfriend character— made me realize how pretty it actually is! Sometimes it just takes a little bit of disassociation to realize that you like something for others that you just don't happen to like for yourself! (Not unlike an ill-fitting dress that looks great on someone else.)
I would absolutely recommend considering naming your child "Cassie" or a longer variation there-of, as it is a name that offers many possibilities for nicknames (from Cassandra: Cassie, Cass, Cece, Cee, Sandy), and is pretty and feminine while still being grown-up enough to follow one through to adulthood. Just remember that, like with any name that has an unsavoury word or phrase in it (ie. "Amanda/A Man, Duh!" or "Killian/Kill Ian"), kids can be cruel and your child may endure teasing for the word "ass" residing in their name. Good luck!
It's a cute name for a girl.
My name is Cassie and I hate it. I used to get called gassie Cassie in school... anyway I would want a different name.
I love the name Cassie, but it feels like it would be a bad name for an adult. Use Cassandra/Cassidy/Cassiopeia/Other names starting with Cass for a name, and use Cassie for a nickname.
I love the name Cassie it's a name you can name a little girl and a grown lady. It's so sweet it's something you would name a little straight A student!:) so cute!
My sister's name is Cassie, not short for anything, just Cassie Ann. I think the name fits her well and is a beautiful name.
I have a cousin (well, second cousin, but it's practically the same thing, right?) who is named Cassandra. She does not particularly care for her name, as she is a bit tomboyish, but instead goes by Cassie. Personally I like Cassandra more than Cassie. *shrug* Very pretty.
I really liked this name when I was about 8. Now I realise that it is very light, overly-feminine and insubstantial. I think it is simply CRUEL to name somebody Cassie rather than Cassandra. At least Cassandra sounds like a real, dignified name, and you can pick the prettier nickname Cass, Sandy, or Sandra.
My very first best friend was named Cassie. The name really fit her with her blonde hair and blue eyes because the name is soft and gentle. This is a very pretty name!
I don't really like this name. It sounds soap opera-ish. I don't like it as a nickname for the obnoxious Cassidy, but it's okay when it's short for Cassandra.
I quite like Cassie as a nickname for Cassandra/Cassiopeia/Cassainee/etc, but I have to say that I prefer CassY, with a Y - it just seems neater, somehow.
I loathe this name, it doesn't sound good at all. It's also quite nickname-y and thus a bit too youthful to be the actual name of a woman. Go for Cassandra instead, if this is what you like.
I think Cassie makes a good "full" name as well. From my experience parents often feel the need to name their child the "full" or "original" name so that their child can be called the nickname.
I like this name starting with a K, like Kassie. I have met two Cassie/Kassies. One spelled her name Cassie, and the other Kassie. I prefer Kassie.
Yeh, I have the name too! Mine is short For Cassandra, but we often put Cassiopeia on forms because it's a cool name! It's quite cool though because you can have 2 short names. Generally people call me Cass instead. When you get older people do that more I find!
I named my second daughter this so this name is special to me. It is not short for anything. Cassie JoAnna is her full name and she is beautiful.
I think Cassie is a wonderful name. Just because it's mine, I'm not partial or anything. :) But it is short for Casandra.
This is my name (not short for Cassandra or Cassidy etc). I prefer Cassie as a full name, not a nickname.
I really like this name. I would love to have this name. It's so nice and sounds so peaceful.
This is a nice name. If it wasn't my name I would probably name my child Cassie. A pretty middle name is Melissa.

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