Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Personally I don’t really like this name because there was a lady named this from my neighborhood who yelled at my brother and I for no reason and is a Karen. Plus, it’s an old person name. I do know one young Cathy, and she’s nice but Kate and Katie are better nicknames for Katherine/Catherine. Don’t pick this name for your child. Cathryn is also a good option btw.
Ugly. Kate and Kathy are much better.
Not bad. I wonder why so many people hate this name. It's not like Vicky or Vicki...
I don’t like it. It has a rather unpleasant sound.
CATHY is my first name and SCOTT Is my last name. My ancestors are from Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. I LOVE MY NAME. It means a lot to me.
I think it's important for people to know people's impressions of a name because it might make them change the name for their child. Cathy's come in a wide variety but everyone I've met could be classified first and foremost as unhappy with a quick temper.
Cathy is my partner's name. She hates when people think it's spelt Kathy, or think it's short for Catherine.
Cathy was given to 56 baby girls born in the US in 2012 as a full name.
I am going to disagree with the majority and say that I love the name Cathy. Katie is so common. I think Cathy is a very sweet name. I don't think it is outdated at all compared to the top baby names on the list.
I use this name as a name for a little girl, a fictional character. Because of the fact that I developed her before I named her, this brings to mind [for me] a 6 or 7 year old girl with golden curls and watery blue eyes, and a pretty smile, shy but not necessarily unable to speak up. Except I spell it "Cathie". It fits Little Cathie that way, a lot better!
This is my sister's name, and I've always felt sorry for her, because it doesn't quite sound like a real name, more like just a nickname.
The name Cathy belongs to quite a substantial amount of girls and women in Ireland because of its Christian properties. Therefore it is very useful for the usage of the name and is also very beautiful and makes me smile.
Makes me think of, "the Cathy Cat, the Bombay Rat, and the Blue Kangaroo".
Catherine Earnshaw, selfish little creature that she was, still makes this name seem passionate and beautiful to me.
This is my mom's name and I think that it is for someone in the olden days.

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