Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Reminds me of a blonde random British person. Or a candle. Don't ask me why.
It just makes me think of a candle.
Sounds only marginally less douchey than Chad, but still really douchey.
This is the absolute Chad of names.
This name is awesome.
My uncle was named Chadwick, but always went by Chad. He was born in the mid 1940s in far west Texas to a Scotch-Irish family. The only person I ever heard address him as Chadwick was his mother. 4 of his 5 siblings had longer more complex names but were exclusively called something else (eg Jim, Dick etc), as I believe was fashionable in the middle of the century in particular. I personally know 4 other people named Chad, and none are actually named Chadwick. One Chad even laughed hysterically when I asked, saying he’d never heard of such an “uptight” name, for what that is worth.
My daughter and I once saw a dog named Chadwick at an animal rescue in Morristown, N.J. I can think of nothing any animal could have done to warrant such a singularly unfortunate name. It has become synonymous with extraordinary stupidity in our family.With any luck, we will not meet someone with this name and thereby embarrass ourselves with the association.
It doesn't sound serious, and the meaning is anything but serious. It made me laugh.
The meaning is hilarious.
I do like the name, but I think it's probably better as a last name - I think as a first name it sounds a little too much like a stereotypical English butler. Then again maybe that's my imagination.
Also, funny how it does sound sophisticated yet its meaning is "dairy farm belonging to Chad". :D
This name sounds sophisticated. And strong. And it could be shortened to Chad if the bearer or his family so desired.
I like it, it's cool.

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